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2186 total results found

IPMI Agent plugin

These plugins provide modules for each of the sensors from IPMI


Cisco Configuration Remote Inventory Plugin

Este plugin recupera la configuración en ejecución del dispositivo Cisco de destino.


Cisco Configuration Remote Inventory Plugin

This utility retrieves running-config from target cisco device.


Docker swarm monitoring

El plugin de Pandora FMS para la monitorización de Docker le permite escanear su swarm y recuperar la información en su consola de Pandora FMS como vistas de cluster

Plugin Docker

Plugin para la monitorización de estádisticas de Docker


Telegram bot CLI

Telegram bots CLI connector for use in pandora alerts.


Docker swarm monitoring

Pandora FMS plugin for Docker monitoring allows you to scan your swarm and retrieve the information into your Pandora FMS Console as cluster views


Plugin Docker

Docker statistics monitoring plugin


Active Directory

Plugin para la monitorización de Active Directory. Consulta todas las métricas que se obtienen de la ejecución del plugin en su documentación.


Slack integration

Slack is an instant messaging platform especially appreciated by the software developer community. With Pandora FMS you will be able to get alert messages by simply adding a channel and an application to the account previously created in Slack. Then you must c...


Discord integration

Discord is a social network quite oriented to games but covering other important areas such as music, education and of course science and technology. Pandora FMS, by means of alerts, will be able to keep an eye on the monitored devices while you play or entert...


Google Chat integration

Google Chat® (formerly Hangouts Chat®) is a secure instant messaging tool designed to facilitate business communications within the Google Workspace® ecosystem. Your teams collaborate via text, create collaborative chat rooms, share documents, make presentatio...


Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Plugin para coger los stats de una base de datos y de sus colecciones, soporta compatibilidad con Mongo DB atlas.


Active Directory

Active Directory monitoring plugin, collecting information from users and related services.


Mongo DB and Mongo DB atlas

Plugin to grab stats from a server, database and its collections, supports Mongo DB atlas compatibility.


Plugin Apache Spark

Plugin para coger metricas de todos los ejecutores de todas las apps en ejecución o finalizadas de tu server Spark.


Plugin weblogic

Plugin que coge stats de cada server y app de la instalacion, también coge datos de los threadpools, jvm y agent snmp


Apache Spark plugin

Plugin to grab metrics from all executors of all running or finished apps on your Spark server.


Plugin weblogic

Plugin that collects stats from each server and app in the installation, also collects data from threadpools, jvm and agent snmp.


Kubernetes Enterprise plugin

This plugin allows you to obtain data from a Kubernetes environment, generating agents for each of its elements and monitoring statistics. The information is obtained through the web, by means of the Kubernetes API, so it is not necessary to install any add...


Online Installation tool

Quick Start (Cloud)

If you have access to the Internet it is recommended to make use of this tool for online installation.

Detecting Local Network Systems

Quick Start (Cloud)

To start monitoring with Pandora FMS, there is nothing better than detecting close-range devices and start detecting them. It makes no difference if they are PCs with MS Windows®, servers with GNU/Linux®, routers, switches, etc., since monitoring in this case ...

Adding a Remote Check to a Monitored System

Quick Start (Cloud)

Now that the systems are dected, add monitoring modules. Add the following monitoring: - Interface network monitoring. - Network packet loss. - Monitoring a TCP network service. See also: “Join SNMP fever. New Wizards: Network Monitoring (video)”: http...

Adding an Alert in the Face of an Issue

Quick Start (Cloud)

At Pandora FMS the most basic way in which to create alerts is assigning an alert to a specific module.

Monitor a Windows Server with a Software Agent

Quick Start (Cloud)

At Pandora FMS there are two types of monitoring: - Remote (carried out from Pandora FMS server to the different devices). - Local (a software agent is installed in each of the machines to be monitored and this one is in charge of retrieving the informatio...

Create a Visual Console with Monitoring Details

Quick Start (Cloud)

One of Pandora FMS display options is Visual Consoles. These allow to represent monitoring information in real time in a full graphic way. In this Visual Console example, we will create a distributed network example around the world and we will see how when cl...

Adjust Monitoring

Quick Start (Cloud)

In this section you may see how to configure some of the advanced options of a module (thresholds, units, others).

Troubleshooting. Where to Look at and Who to Ask

Quick Start (Cloud)


Notifications in Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS integration with a Telegram bot



Notifications dans Pandora FMS

Intégration de Pandora FMS avec un bot Telegram



Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Outil d'installation en ligne

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Si vous avez accès à l'internet, il est recommandé d'effectuer l'installation en ligne à l'aide de cet outil utile.

Détecter des systèmes en réseau local

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Pour commencer la supervision avec Pandora FMS, il n'y a rien de mieux que de détecter les appareils qui se trouvent à proximité et de commencer à les détecter. Peu importe qu'il s'agisse d'ordinateurs personnels (PC) sous MS Windows®, de serveurs sous GNU/Lin...

Ajouter une vérification distante à un système supervisé

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Maintenant que les systèmes sont détectés, ajoutez quelques modules de supervision. Ajoutez les modules de supervision suivants - Trafic réseau sur une interface. - Perte de paquets sur le réseau. - Supervision d'un service réseau TCP. Voir aussi : " J...

Ajouter une alerte face à une problème

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Dans Pandora FMS la manière la plus basique de créer une alerte est d'attribuer une alerte à un module spécifique.

Superviser un serveur Windows avec un agent logiciel

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Dans le Pandora FMS, il existe deux types de contrôle : - À distance (celui qui est effectué à partir du serveur Pandora FMS vers les différents appareils). - Local (un agent logiciel est installé sur chacune des machines à superviser et il est chargé d'ex...

Créer un nouveau écran avec des détails de supervision

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

L'une des options de visualisation offertes par Pandora FMS est la console visuelle. La console visuelle permet de représenter les informations de supervision en temps réel d'une manière entièrement graphique. Dans cet exemple de console visuelle, nous allons ...

Configurer la supervision

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Dans cette section vous verrez comment configurez quelques des options avancées d'un module (seuils, unités, d'autres).

Solution de problèmes

Guide de démarrage rapide (Cloud)

Agentes en Consola WEB

Instalación Automatica Agente Linux

Vemos los agentes creados con este script En rojo se pueden ver los valores del Speedtest ejecutado en un agente con CentOS 8 (La medición esta expresada en MB/seg) <ANTERIOR SIGUIENTE >

Como funciona Speedtest

Instalación Automatica Agente Linux

Ya tenemos instalado el script ahora vamos a ver como funciona el mismo para poder entender y poder aprender mas sobre el funcionamiento de PandoraFMS, al ejecutar el instalador se crea la carpeta /root/bin (en caso de que no exista), dentro de esta carpeta va...

Monitores adicionales

Instalación Automatica Agente Linux

Al realizar la instalación del agente en forma automatizada se sumaron algunos scripts de gran utilidad que no forman parte de la instalación automatizada pero pueden utilizar simplemente agregando algunas lineas en el archivo pandora_agent.conf como podemos v...

1. Introduction

First steps with Pandora FMS

The purpose of this guide is to briefly introduce Pandora FMS to someone who is not familiar with the tool. The purpose is not to make a tour through all of Pandora FMS features, but to talk about the most relevant ones, in order to start working and managing ...

3. Installation

First steps with Pandora FMS

Online installation The term "Cloud provider" (or simply "Cloud") is used to describe virtual machine hosting, either exclusively or shared, in specialized providers with hardware, hypervisors and customer support web systems for configuration and administrat...

4. Detecting and monitoring new systems with Discovery

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS Discovery tool provides a set of tools to simplify monitoring through wizards, including Discovery's Network Scan feature. To use it, follow these steps. In the side menu, go to Discovery → Host&Devices → Network Scan section. Create the task...

5. Detecting and monitoring network and Windows devices with Discovery

First steps with Pandora FMS

Let us now look at a more complex discovery task by configuring SNMP and WMI, two protocols used to remotely monitor devices, both network (SNMP) and Windows (WMI). The configuration process is similar to the previous one, but here go to the discovery task ...

6. Network device monitoring through SNMP Interface Wizard

First steps with Pandora FMS

In order to perform this type of monitoring, it is essential for the SNMP to be configured in the remote device. This usually needs to be activated, as well as a minimum configuration that allows you to check data. SNMP devices allow you to configure which I...

7. Network device remote monitoring

First steps with Pandora FMS

Monitoring through network modules. TCP Service. In this case, monitoring to verify that an SMTP (mail) service is active on a machine will be added. Although this could be a very complex check (simulating that user credentials and passwords are sent, that an...

11. Module Advanced Settings

First steps with Pandora FMS

In this section we will see how to configure some module advanced options, as well as to define the measurement thresholds that make modules go into WARNING or CRITICAL state. In a module's editing, it is possible to define, additionally, many other configurat...

8. Web Monitoring

First steps with Pandora FMS

For this last example we will use Pandora FMS web server component that performs HTTP and HTTPS basic monitoring. This element allows to make simple or more complex web checks (in several cases), using low-level calls. It is useful to see whether your pages ar...

9. Remote Server Monitoring

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS also offers the possibility of monitoring Linux and Windows servers remotely without installing a software agent.  To achieve this, create remote execution modules that allow you to ask the device from your Pandora FMS installation by running a co...

10. Server Monitoring through Software Agents

First steps with Pandora FMS

MS Windows® First, download MS Windows® software agent installer: In this link, you may choose either the 32-bit or 64-bit agent, according to your OS. Once the agent is downloaded, run it by double-cl...

13. Email Alert

First steps with Pandora FMS

In Pandora FMS, alerts are assigned to specific agent modules. There are more advanced tasks (alerts on events, correlation, etc.) but those are not included in this guide. The first alert is just sending an email when one of the machines that are already bein...

14. Create a Custom Report

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS offers the possibility of custom display for monitored data through reports that can be programmed to be sent, exported to PDF or displayed in real time. To create a custom report, go to menu "Reporting" -> "Custom reports", where you may find the...

15. Visual Console Creation

First steps with Pandora FMS

Parent visual console creation In this first map, we will add the status of several agents distributed in a world map. It can be done manually, one by one or through the Wizard. To make its creation easier, we are going to use the Wizard in the example. The ...

16. Dashboard creation

First steps with Pandora FMS

A Dashboard is a Pandora FMS feature that allows each user to build his own monitoring page. You may add more than one page, and there you may add monitoring maps, graphs and status summaries, short event lists (with filters) and many other widgets.   To cre...

18. Events

First steps with Pandora FMS

An event is everything that happens within the system. It may be module creation or even user login in the console. The event itself is a descriptive text of the problem, its source, an agent, and its creation date. Pandora FMS allows displaying in real time ...

19. Working with Policies in Pandora FMS

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS offers the possibility of working with previously seen alert and module creation and management tools in more efficient ways. One of them is the mass operations tool. However, the most powerful among these tools are monitoring policies. Policies ...

20. Next Steps

First steps with Pandora FMS

This guide does not cover them but you may be interested: Network Maps. Monitoring with SNMP Traps. Log Collection and Monitoring WEB User Experience (WUX) Monitoring. Managed system remote access (Quick Shell) IT Automation (Omnishell)