This document describes the OVH functionality of PandoraFMS discovery.
The purpose of this plugin is to monitor OVH, monitoring the status of virtual machines and their...
Compatibility matrix
Systems where tested Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Systems where it works Any sistema linux...
Pre requisites
Connectivity to OVH API The plugin is a binary containing the packaged dependencies so no in...
Parameters and configuration
ParĂ¡meters --conf Path to configuration file Configuration file (--conf) applicat...
Manual execution
The format of the plugin execution is as follows: ./pandora_ovh --conf < path to configuration f...
This plugin can be integrated with Pandora FMS Discovery. To do so, you must load the ".disco" p...
Agent and modules generated by the plugin
The execution of the plugin, with all options enabled, will create the following agents and modul...