Parameters and configuration
--conf | Path to configuration file |
Configuration file (--conf)
application_key = < Key application key >
application_secret = < Application secret key >
consumer_key = < consumer key >
interval = < Interval in seconds for the agents and for the metrics analysis >
agent_group_name = < Name of the target group for the created agents >
prefix = < Prefix for the name of the agents >
transfer_mode = < transfer mode, tentacle or local >
data_dir = < (Only enabled if transfer_mode is local) Destination path for the XML of each agent, by default "/var/spool/pandora/data_in/" > >
tentacle_ip = < IP of the destination machine for the created agents >
tentacle_port = < Port of tentacle, default : 41121 >
cost = < Activate with 1 to enable cost monitoring >
scan_vms = < Activate with 1 to enable virtual machines monitoring >
storage = < Activate with 1 to enable volume monitoring > scan_vms = < Activate with 1 to enable virtual machine monitoring > scan_vms = < Activate with 1 to enable virtual machine monitoring >
servers = < Enable with 1 to enable server monitoring >
advance_monitoring = < Enable with 1 to enable advanced monitoring >
application_key = 6787fa7fa6f68687fafa
application_secret = faf7879afa87f9af9af78fa7f
consumer_key = 8fa8f8af8a8f78af5a3f2af
interval = 300
agent_group_name = OVH
prefix = ovh.
transfer_mode = tentacle
data_dir = /var/spool/pandora/data_in/
tentacle_ip =
tentacle_port = 41121
cost = 0
scan_vms = 1
storage = 1
servers = 1
advance_monitoring = 0
Enabling advanced monitoring and costs can increase the duration of the plugin execution, if advanced monitoring is not enabled, only the status will be monitored in the virtual machines.