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  4. My agents on FC4 machines cannot send data to the Pandora Server (SSH Transfer mode)

My agents on FC4 machines cannot send data to the Pandora Server (SSH Transfer mode)

I have agents installed on FC4 machines and my pandora server on FC5. Furthermore, I also have an agent on the FC5 machine running the Pandora server. The agents on the FC4 machines cannot send data to the Pandora server, but the agent on the machine running the Pandora server(fc5) works fine.I also have an issue with generating public keys.

Answer: Before trying to start a remote pandora agent, you must be sure that SSH Key authentication is working, to check this, execute the following command on a host with a Pandora agent installed:

 ssh pandora@pandora_server.

pandora_server is the hostname wherever Pandora FMS server is installed. If you can connect directly, the automated SSH Authentication key its working correctly, and so is Pandora agent must be able to connect Pandora Server. Please refer to the Pandora FMS Agent documentation on how to install automated Pandora SSH key authentication.

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