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  4. Installing Pandora FMS Enterprise online

Installing Pandora FMS Enterprise online

This installation method is especially useful when the environment is hosted by cloud providers, although it is not exclusive to this type of environment.

For any of them you can install Pandora FMS Enterprise edition. Red Hat (RHEL) 8.x is recommended as operating system, although it also has official compatibility with Rocky Linux 8.x and AlmaLinux 8.x.

The minimum hardware requirements for this installation are: 1 core, 2 gigabytes RAM and 20 gigabytes free disk, preferably of type Solid State Drive (SSD).

These requirements are the minimum installation requirements, to properly size the monitoring environment we recommend going to the minimum hardware requirements section.

Requirements for the use of the online installation tool.

  • Internet access.
  • Have curl installed (comes by default in most distributions).
  • Meet minimum hardware requirements.
  • Be an administrator user root.
  • To have a compatible OS.
  • In the case of using RHEL 8 it will be necessary to be previously activated with a license and subscribed to the standard repositories.

To use the online installation tool simply access the command line as provided by your Cloud provider as root administrator user and run:

curl -SsL https://pfms.me/deployenterprise | sh

With this execution, the whole Pandora FMS stack will be installed, leaving a fully functional instance to start monitoring.

Custom installation using the online installation tool

Although the above execution makes a complete installation environment, it is possible to define different modifiers through environment variable to customize the installation.

These modifiers are:

  • TZ: Defines the time zone of the machine, default is Europe/Madrid.
  • DBHOST: The host of the database, default is DBHOST= .
  • DBNAME: The name of the database to be created, default is DBNAME=pandora.
  • DBUSER: The user of the database to be created, default DBUSER=pandora .
  • DBPASS: The password for the user to be created, default DBPASS=pandora.
  • DBPORT: Port number of the database to be connected, default DBPORT=3306.
  • DBROOTPASS: Password for the root user of the database, default DBROOTPASS=pandora.
  • SKIP_PRECHECK: Skip the check if a previous pandora installation already exists, useful to create a new database and point the installation to this one; by default SKIP_PRECHECK=0.
  • SKIP_DATABASE_INSTALL: Skip the database installation, useful for when you already have a database installed, either local or remote and you use the credentials of this one to create the Pandora FMS database; by default SKIP_DATABASE_INSTALL=0.
  • SKIP_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATIONS: Skip the recommended kernel optimization, only for advanced users. Default SKIP_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATIONS=0.

To use these environment variables just define them before executing the installation script, for example, in an installation in RHEL 8 with defined variables, execute the block:

env TZ='Europe/Madrid' \
DBNAME='pandora' \
DBUSER='pandora' \
DBPASS='pandora' \
DBPORT='3306' \
DBROOTPASS='pandora' \
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://pfms.me/deploy-pandora-el8)"
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