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  4. I don’t receive an email when an alert is triggered

I don’t receive an email when an alert is triggered

This is an example SMTP setup on the /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf file:

 mta_adress smtp.domain.com
 mta_port 25
 mta_user [email protected]
 mta_pass 123456
 mta_from [email protected]

Be careful with the mta_auth configuration token, it’s meant to set the “type” of authentication mechanism, not a password (mta_pass is for that). If you have a special MTA mechanism, use for example:

mta_auth LOGIN

Also make sure you have a proper DNS configuration on your system, that allows you to send mails outside your desired domains.

Before trying anything check this:

ping destinationmail.domain.com

You should receive a response before trying to configure the Pandora FMS Server.

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