How to remove agents

The way to uninstall each agent depends on the type of agent in question, each type of agent will have a different way to uninstall or remove it.

The types of agents are the following.

– Fictitious agent: Agent that is manually created in the console.
– Software Agent: Agent installed in a machine that uses its own configuration file and reports to the Pandora FMS server in the form of an XML file.
– Broker agent: Agent that is created and managed by the main agent of the device (it is a sub-agent of software agent).
– Satellite agent: Agent created by a satellite server that has a conf similar to the software agent, the satellite server executes this conf and reports to the Pandora FMS server in the form of XML.
– Plugin agent: It is an agent generated by the execution of a plugin, this plugin creates the XML and sends it to the Pandora FMS server.

Now that we know the types of agents, we are going to see how to delete each one of them.

– Fictitious agent: It will only be necessary to delete the agent in the console.
– Software agent: It would be necessary to uninstall the agent in the machine or stop the service (so that it doesn’t start again) and then delete the agent in the console.
– Broker agent: To delete it, we only have to edit the conf of the main agent and comment/delete the line where this broker agent is defined, delete the conf of this broker agent, then access the console and delete the agent from the console.
– Satellite agent: These agents are more complex, you have to delete the entries of these agents in the host file of the satellite, delete the conf of this agent in the conf directory of your satellite server, in versions 765 or higher you will also have to delete the entries of these agents in the conf of the satellite server.
Once you have deleted the above, you will only have to delete the agent from the console.
– Plugin agent: If the plugin manages the agents by a conf you will have to delete the entry of this agent in this conf, if the plugin generates the agents without conf, it’s possible that you can’t delete the agent independently without affecting other agents, in this case it’s recommended to disable the agent in the console.
In case of deletion of the agent entry in the plugin conf, you will have to delete the agent from the console.

That’s all, if you have any problem or doubt, please contact us.

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