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  4. How can I increase the limit of the maximum capacity of the files that could be uploaded for the Pandora FMS console?

How can I increase the limit of the maximum capacity of the files that could be uploaded for the Pandora FMS console?

We can modify the maximum size limit of the files that we upload through Pandora FMS console, to do this we should edit the following file:


Modifying the line (where XXX is the size):

upload_max_filesize XXX

After making the change we must restart the Apache server process to update the changes made:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


service httpd restart

  • In case you do not let us upload a file to a collection in Pandora FMS console we will have to go to the menu Setup -> Setup -> Enterprise. Inside this menu we will find the “Collection size” token that we will have to modify to allow us to upload larger files.
  • See also: Installing and updating PHP 7“.
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