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  4. How can I go back to the Pandora FMS update?

How can I go back to the Pandora FMS update?

To go back in a Pandora FMS update you must do the following actions:

  •  From RPM packages:
rpm -i --force pandorafms_console_package.rpm
rpm -i --force pandorafms_console__enterprise_package.rpm
  •  From tarball package:
tar -xvzf pandorafms_console_package.tar.gz
mv -f ./pandora_console/* /yourconsolepath
tar -xvzf pandorafms_console_package.tar.gz
mv -f ./enterprise /yourconsolepath

Please note, that once you perform an update backwards, when you want to perform an update again to higher versions, you will have to perform the update manually using files and it will not be possible to perform the update using Update Manager Online.

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