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  4. Boolean ICMP Network module shows critical status although connectivity with the agent is correct

Boolean ICMP Network module shows critical status although connectivity with the agent is correct

This problem appears when the first package from the ping execution doesn’t reach the recipient.

If the icmp_checks parameter is set as 1 inside the Server Configuration File (Default path: /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf) it will show critical value because it only considers the first try at sending the ping command.

Module status would be also critical if the icmp_checks value is higher than 1,the reason for this is that this parameter only executes “independent” pings so check results would always be wrong.

A solution would be to use a script which executes a ping sending as many packages as we want upon its execution. So that, if a machine doesn’t answer to the first package we could fix it by modifying the script with a number of packages higher than 1, that way the result will be successful.

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