I already setup the lates Pandora Monitoring 7 community edition, is it possible to add feature of Inventory in community edition ?
If can not,
Is there a way how to get simple data, like PC name, operating system and some field of my agent (server, workstation, etc) data in to the excel format or others ?
Good morning uneeedmore,
The feature of Inventory is for the Enterprise Version.
To monitor this data you should create data modules in your software agents that recolect with commands the information you need. In case of Windows systems, try with wmi-querys.
Hi Alberto,
Sorry i still dont understand, you meant it is possible to collect data like my question in community edition?
Can you mention step by step, what should i do ?
Thank you
Good morning uneeedmore,
To do this, you must create your own plugins depending on the SO you want to monitor. Actually there are inventory plugins in the software agent that do this recollection but for the enterprise version.
The only thing you can do is modify this plugins to create modules with the information recollected.
I’m sorry I can not give you more information because this functionality is for Enterprise customers