WMI – non initialised module
I’m trying to setup an agent to use the CPU load module to check the load on the CPU on a Windows XP SP3 workstation on a domain that I have administrative access too. I thought it would be easy.
The problem is after I setup the module and update it under the serer tab there are two icons. One says “Pandora FMS WMI Server” and the other says “non initialised module”. One thing I have to mention is the query that’s in the module won’t work in the command-prompt. For example the module query is [SELECT LoadPercentage from Win32_Processor WHERE DeviceID = “CPU0”]. When I run the query through the command prompt I have to wrap the whole thing in quotes and put the CPU0 in single quotes(‘). Here is the example that works in the command prompt [“SELECT LoadPercentage from Win32_Processor WHERE DeviceID = CPU0′”].
The last thing I noticed is in the command prompt between the domain and user (when using wmic -U) i have to put two slashes (\). For example “domain\user%password” is what works.
I’ve tried all combinations in the module and still get the same results. As an FYI i’m using Ubuntu 10.04.1. If I install the agent on the machine it reports to Pandora just fine, other ICMP checks work fine as well.
I have attached a screenshot of my module and agent modules.
Thank you in advance!