Why we have in Alerts Commands, Actions and Templates?
Hello guys,
First of all id like to thank you guys all! Ive finished our migration from Pandora 2.0 to Pandora 3.2, everything is working like a charm!
But, why we have commands, actions and templates?
For example, i have a custom script to send emails called emailsend , in commands ive registered it, in actions i just create a action selecting only the emailsend (fields in blank), and templates i have one for each alert that i want, so … for me actions are useless! I could have only the Commands and Templates (if i would select the commands there)
What is the idea? Something like Monitors Template would be much better! Cause we can assign a template and modify it! We cant do this with Alarms! Right? If we modify one alert template, we modify all of them, i just dont get it! Another example, i MUST create one template for every alert that have min and max not equals to others:
Template 1: Min: 10 Max: 15
Template 2: Min: 5 Max: 35I have to create 2 templates, cause if i assign one for each, and modify it, then we mess the other! Would be much better create one Template with generic Min Max and work as Monitors Templates (we can modify the template for each Agent)