What are the proper steps.
I have set up Pandora on a CentOS 5 server, but I’m a bit confused as to what the proper steps are when I want to monitor something new. I find the manual a bit confusing as the Espanol to English is OK, but not great (I’m willing to help if there is someone that I can coordinate with. I don’t speak Espanol, but I’m willing to help make the english more lucid)
So, in setting up a new monitor, do I edit pandora_agent.conf and just let the system run? If not, what steps do I do to set up the new monitor in the web interface? Or do I need to go to Administration -> Manage Agents -> Select Modules under the host I want to add a new monitor to -> and create a new module from there?
I guess I would love to see a step-by-step page for doing things like adding a new module, creating a SNMP trap, and any other task that a sysadmin will need to do periodically.
 James “Zeke” Dehnert