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  • What are the proper steps.

    Posted by jdehnert on May 5, 2011 at 01:40

    I have set up Pandora on a CentOS 5 server, but I’m a bit confused as to what the proper steps are when I want to monitor something new.  I find the manual a bit confusing as the Espanol to English is OK, but not great (I’m willing to help if there is someone that I can coordinate with. I don’t speak Espanol, but I’m willing to help make the english more lucid)

    So, in setting up a new monitor, do I edit pandora_agent.conf and just let the system run? If not, what steps do I do to set up the new monitor in the web interface?  Or do I need to go to Administration -> Manage Agents -> Select Modules under the host I want to add a new monitor to -> and create a new module from there?

    I guess I would love to see a step-by-step page for doing things like adding a new module, creating a SNMP trap, and any other task that a sysadmin will need to do periodically.

      James “Zeke” Dehnert

    Sancho replied 13 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Sancho

    May 5, 2011 at 01:50
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    Hi James !

    If you want to help us “re-writing” some parts of the manual, THANKS ! 🙂 and please subscribe to our development mailing list to write about that:


    About “how to start”, I don’t have a “quick guide” for that (would be a nice idea), as first step, is very important to choose between remote monitoring (Snmp, icmp, tcp checks…) and monitoring based in a software agent, running in the server.

    The first one is easier, just create an agent, for example a Router: set a IP address for that agent, and go to module tab. Create a new network check. Choose one from the default library (the first combo al right), for example a Latency check. It will fill all the fields needed.

    You need to have the server running FIRST trying to create the module, be sure about that (you can see your server status in the operation > server section.

    For more information about “How to monitoring” something, please take a look to chapter 5 in the documentation:


    Good luck and happy monitoring ! 😉