W2003 & WMI
I’m trying to monitor various parameters of a W2003SP2.
I created a user without Administrator privileges on the W2003 for security.
I set WMI and DCOM as described in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa393266.aspx
and now I pose the following problem:
if from the pandora server run a query against W32_BIOS
pandora: ~ # wmic-U DOMAIN / usernoadmin% pass / / XXXX “select BuildNumber from Win32_BIOS”
BuildNumber | Name | SoftwareElementID | SoftwareElementState | TargetOperatingSystem | Version
(null) | FSC 6.0 | FSC 6.0 | 3 | 0 | PTLTD – 6040000I get correct result.
But if I go to I get an error W32_Service
pandora: ~ # wmic-U DOMAIN / usernoadmin% pass / / XXXX “SELECT State FROM Win32_Service”
[wmi / wmic.c: 212: main ()] ERROR: Retrieve result data.
NTSTATUS: NT code 0x80041001 – NT code 0x80041001The permissions on the WMI namespace root and all this to their children