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Posted by ricardo on October 10, 2008 at 04:53Hola,
Tengo instalada la versión 2.0 de Pandora FMS, pero no consigo que me funcione ningún modulo de tcp_proc, con datos en TCP SEND y TCP RECIVE.
El que lleva de ejemplo de check_http, no me funciona con ningún servidor web, tanto apache, como el de un router linksys. He probado copiando la respuesta exacta, al ver que no funcionaba, le he añadido los ^M al final de cada linea.
Vengo del mundo Nagios, por lo que puede ser que haya algo por ahí que no veo, o que no entiendo, para hacer que funcione como quisiera.
ricardo replied 16 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Por ejemplo el servidor web de un router linksys
Yo mando :
GET / HTTP/1.0Y recibo:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:20 GMT
Server: Embedded HTTP Server.
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″Connection closed by foreign host.
Pero si en TCP SEND pongo -> GET / HTTP/1.0^M^M
Y en el recibe lo mismo que se supone que manda, tanto con los ^M al final de las lineas, como sin ellas.Un saludo
No, funciona con varias lineas, separando envios y respuesta por el caracter |
Te corto pego de la ayuda que acabo de descubrir que faltaba (la voy a meter ahora mismo):
TCP Check
This module just send character strings to destination IP / port, wait for response and optionally match it’s response with a predefined response. If TCP SEND / TCP RCV. fields are emply just check for an open port in destination.
You can use ^M string to send a carriage return, and also can use a multi request / multi response conversation. Several request and responses are separated with | character.
Example #1. Checking WEB service
Just imagine that you want to check that http://www.yahoo.com reply correctly to a HTTP request. Put this in TCP Send:
GET / HTTP/1.0^M^M
And this on TCP receive:
200 OK
This should give OK if a correct HTTP request is possible.
Example #2. Checking SSH serviceIf you make a telnet to port 22 of a standard service you will see that after connecting they present you a banner like
If you type something, like “none” and press enter, they reply you the following string and close socket:
Protocol mismatch
So to “code” this conversation in a Pandora FMS TCP module, you need to put in TCP Send:
And put in TCP Receive:
SSH-2.0|Protocol mismatch
Example #3. Checking a SMTP serviceThis is sample SMTP conversation:
R: 220 mail.supersmtp.com Blah blah blah
S: HELO myhostname.com
R: 250 myhostname.com
R: 250 OK
R: 250 OK
R: 354 Start mail input; end with .
S: …….your mail here……..
S: .
R: 250 OK
R: 221 mail.supersmtp.com Service closing blah blah blahSo if you want to check the first steps of conversation, the fields will be:
TCP SEND : HELO myhostname.com^M|MAIL FROM: ^M| RCPT TO: ^M
TCP SEND : 250|250|250
If the first three steps of connections are “OK” then the SMTP seems to be ok, don’t need to send a real mail (could be done, whatever!). This is a powerful TCP service checker that could be used to verify any TCP plain text service.