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  • Problemas al instalar en openSUSE 13.1

    Posted by drc on December 27, 2013 at 02:40


    Soy un poco novato con estas cosas….. A ver si me podeis ayudar un poco….

    Estaba instalando en openSUSE 13.1 y al entrar en http://localhost/pandora_console/install.php me da error en el paso 4…..

    Creating schema

    Table ‘pandora.talert_commands’ doesn’t exist
    INSERT INTO `talert_commands` (`id`, `name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (1,’eMail’,’Internal type’,’This alert send an email using internal Pandora FMS Server SMTP capabilities (defined in each server, using: _field1_ as destination email address, and _field2_ as subject for message. _field3_ as text of message.’,1,'[“Destination address”,”Subject”,”Text”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””]’,'[“”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””]’);

    Populating database

    Lo he instalado añadiendo los repositorios oficiales e instalando….

    No tengo ni idea….


    drc replied 11 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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