Pandora VirtualBox image.
Hi all,
Thanks for the Vmware image you posted, it makes the setup much much easier.
I usually use VirtualBox, so I took the Vmware .vmdk image and converted it to .vdi.I would like to pass it to you so you can share it further for other VirtualBox users.
Who should I contact to send the .VDI file to?For other users who want to do the same, I did the following:
qemu-img convert -f vmdk Ubuntu_8.04-000001-cl1-s001.vmdk -O raw Pandora.bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/virtualbox /usr/lib/virtualbox/vditool DD Pandora.vdi Pandora.bin
Of course you need the vditool and qemu apps.
For some reason the vditool doesnt come built in within Ubuntu, so it needs a bit of googling.If anyone wants the resulting VDI image (after a complete apt update), contact me.