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  • Pandora FMS Information Exchange Center

    Posted by Sancho on June 13, 2009 at 09:11

    Hi everybody,

    I want to share an idea I have around my mind the latest months. I want to create a new internet site who allow users to publish information about Pandora. I want to create it from scratch because it’s a “very customized” site, and I want to share the idea from the beginning to get more ideas and points of view of all people interested in the project.

    This is my first approach, any kind of comment or help will be welcomed !

    My idea is to start this project this summer and code it in PHP, to be ready with the launch of 3.0 version at end of 3Q 2009.


    Project: Pandora FMS Information Exchange Center (PIEC) (pandorafms.com/piec)

    This projects wants to crate a public acccess site to publish an information library similar to “http://www.monitoringexchange.org” (in the past known as nagiosexchange.com). This site allow the user to upload all kind of information: modules, plugins, OID, MIBS, documentations, guides, specific tecnology docs, references, specs, etc. Site should give the user the possibility to upload small and big files (even ISOs), in ZIP, PDF, tarbals…

    Our site will have an open categorization similar to this:

    – Articles: Documents, Links, Languages and textual help for Pandora FMS.
    – Artwork: Maps, backgrounds, icons for Pandora FMS console.
    – Monitoring Modules: Colletion of monitoring modules (local, plugin, network, wmi…) for Pandora FMS.
    – Utilities: Tools for admins, plugin-developers and Pandora FMS administrators.

    Some of this categories could subdivide, like for example:

    Monitoring Modules
    – Database: Plugins for various Database-Systems like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and many others.
    – Hardware: In this categorie you find plugins for a lot of server and storage manufactures and plugins for environmental monitoring.
    – Network: Plugins for specific network checks.
    – Applications: Here you find plugins for a bunch of open source and commercial applications
    – Others: All modules, that don’t fit together with other categories
    – Operating Systems: Plugins for all common operating system, virtualization plattforms and many more.

    This of course, could subdivided again, for example in OS: Windows, Linux, HPUX, AIX, Solaris….

    Each “piece of unique information”, named as PUI), will have the following structure:

    – Category
    – Title/Name
    – Author (user) who created it
    – History of changes associated with this PUI: creation, updates, files added, downloads, reviews, voting…)
    – Description
    – Creation date.
    – Last update date.
    – Scoring (based on users reviews).
    – Tag(s)
    – Attached files (a list).
    – Downloads / Reviews.
    – Type of information, who could be:
    + WMI module: just text.
    + Local module (Software agent module): just text.
    + Agent plugin (attach of one or more files).
    + Server plugin (attach of one or more files).
    + Network module: just text.
    + Web module: just text.
    + Documentation.
    + File
    + Other
    – Module data (for WMI, network module, localmodule, Web module, or plugin data module).

    Of course, all PUIs can have an attach (with one or more files), but it’s important to have “Pandora” information separated from files to be possible in the future to generate .sql files to import into pandora console and have all collected information inside pandora database.

    Process to upload/create a new piece of information will be:

    – Make login or create user (this need to autovalidate the user using a mail validation to avoid spammers).
    – Push “new” button/link.
    – Select category/subcategory from a combo.
    – Fill all the basic information (title, descripcion, information type, module data, tag, etc). Push button to create element.
    – Let’s go to edition. This allow to upload files to already created item.

    Process to search / download a piece of information will be the following:

    – Search on tag or full title/description text with a single search option.
    – Navigate using the categories.

    Once located the article/content we want, just clicking on it will give all the information and files attached, allowing user to click on them to download. A lot of data just will be “described” on the item, like WMI modules or local modules (pieces of software agent modules) in full text.

    In the future this website could generate “online” a XML file or similar, to import into pandora console, and have all information “loaded” into the console (will all contributed user modules inside the site).

    Sancho replied 15 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies