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Welcome to Pandora FMS Community Forums Community support Pandora agent for windows 1.2 Beta 3 installer

  • Pandora agent for windows 1.2 Beta 3 installer

    Posted by raul on September 27, 2006 at 22:15

    We have included an automatic installer for Pandora 1.2 Beta 3, made using InstallJammer – a free, open source, multiplatform installer and builder, available at the SVN, and you can download it directly from https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pandora/trunk/pandora_agents/win32/installer/

    This installer installs and inits the Pandora Agent service, creating also shortcuts to uninstall the program, to edit configuration file and to init and stop service.

    Please, test it if you can 😀


    raul replied 18 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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