Pandora 3.2, issue with generic_data_inc
Hi all,
I have a module:
module_name DB_Alert_Error
module_type generic_data_inc
module_exec cat $ORACLE_BASE/admin/IBIS/bdump/alert_IBIS.log | grep -cE “ORA-00600|ORA-07445” | awk ‘{print $1}’
module_description ORA-600/ORA-7445 in alert log
module_endThat should return the number of times the specified strings is found. If I run at the shell prompt, the answer will be an integer where the value is right.
If I put the agent in debug, the value in the xml is an integer that is good.
But in the server, the value reported for the module is a floating like 0.01 instead of 1.
What could be the problem?