module_min_warning/module_max_warning not accepted
Hi guys,
i want to define the module_min_warning/module_max_warning in the agent configuration to avoid a manual setup on the Pandora FMS console.
This is an example module (disk space) with warning defined:module_begin
module_name disk_root_free
module_type generic_data
module_exec df -Pkh / | tail -1 | awk ‘{ print 100-$5 }’
module_max 100
module_min 0
module_min_warning 20
module_max_warning 30
module_description Free disk Percentage of root partition
module_endMake a tcpdump, i see the warning parameters on the XML file but on the console the agent doesn’t have these parameter filled.. I need to put manually. Is it that normal? Or isn’t possible to use there parameter from confing file?
I’m using last version of agent and server (agent build 130118/ server build 130118)Thanks!