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  • Log file content monitoring

    Posted by lcourcelle on July 24, 2009 at 02:43


    I’m new to Pandora FMS and I’m trying to have a monitor looking for error messages in log files.
    I saw in the Pandora Agent documentation that the module_plugin grep_log could be used.
    The agent is installed on a Windows XP pro workstation.
    I updated the pandora_agent.conf with this line :
    module_plugin grep_log “c:test.log” LogParser ERROR

    It doesn’t do anything. I have no error message in the pandora_agent.log. the module is not shown on the console. I even set the debug flag and I don’t see any reference to the plugin in the pandora debug file.

    I then managed to execute a .bat file that would have cheched for new lines in a log file LogMon.bat:
    @echo off
    REM LogMon fichier fichiertemp
    set /p prev=< %2 wc -l %1 | tr -s " " ";" |cut -f2 -d; > %2
    set /p actu=< %2 expr %actu% - %prev% > %2.comp
    set /p diff=< %2.comp tail -%diff% %1 I updated the agent configuration file with these lines : # Test log file monitoring module_begin module_name Test_LogMon module_type generic_data_string module_exec LogMon.bat c:test.log c:test.txt | grep ERROR module_description test Logfile monitoring module_end The LogMon.bat works great if I call it from the command line. But when run by the agent, I get this in pandora_agent.log : Pandora_Module_Exec: Test_LogMon did not executed well (retcode: 259) In the debug, I have : Executing: cmd.exe /c "LogMon.bat c:test.log c:test.txt | grep ERROR" I also tried to replace the variables in the bat file by hardcoded log and temporary files, but I have the same result ... Any help would be appreciated. In advance, thank you. Best regards, Laurent

    rnovoa replied 15 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • lcourcelle

    July 24, 2009 at 02:47
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    I forgot to mention I’m using Pandora 2.1 vmware version and I used the Windows installer version for the agent.


  • lcourcelle

    July 24, 2009 at 10:58
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    LogMon.bat is located in the util directory of the pandora installation, together with the unix commands executables. This directory is in the system path variable.

  • lcourcelle

    July 29, 2009 at 06:07
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    I was able to call a bat file that shows the last lines of a log file.
    I think the problem came from the use of the “set” command, seems that pandora agent doesn’t like the “set variable %2
    for /f %%i in (%2) do set actu=%%i
    expr %actu% – %prev% > %2.comp
    for /f %%i in (%2.comp) do set diff=%%i
    tail -%diff% %1

    Still, it’s not that cute…

    Any idea why module_plugin grep_log doesn’t return anything ?

    thanks !


  • rnovoa

    July 30, 2009 at 09:29
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    Hi lcourcelle,

    Plugins are a feature of Pandora FMS Linux agents, they do not work under Windows. But there is a new module called module_regexp that searches a log file for matches of a given regular expression. You can compile the 3.0 Pandora FMS agent from trunk and try it or wait for the release.

    [cite]Posted By: lcourcelle[/cite]
    I was able to call a bat file that shows the last lines of a log file.
    I think the problem came from the use of the “set” command, seems that pandora agent doesn’t like the “set variable < file"
    I replaced the reading of the file by this command :
    for /f %%i in (c:file.txt) do set prev=%%i
    echo %prev%

    So how’s the bat file looks like :
    @echo off
    REM LogMon fichier fichiertemp
    for /f %%i in (%2) do set prev=%%i
    wc -l %1 | tr -s ” ” “;” |cut -f2 -d; > %2
    for /f %%i in (%2) do set actu=%%i
    expr %actu% – %prev% > %2.comp
    for /f %%i in (%2.comp) do set diff=%%i
    tail -%diff% %1

    Still, it’s not that cute…

    Any idea why module_plugin grep_log doesn’t return anything ?

    thanks !
