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email with [RECOVERED]
Posted by yduma on June 23, 2008 at 18:20I create some alert.
Everything was good but few days ago I received letters with [RECOVERED ] in subject and [ALERT CEASED – RECOVERED] in text. But I don’t create this alert’s.How can I delete them?
Jorge replied 1 year, 8 months ago 5 Members · 26 Replies -
26 Replies
I create some alert.
Everything was good but few days ago I received letters with [RECOVERED ] in subject and [ALERT CEASED – RECOVERED] in text. But I don’t create this alert’s.How can I delete them?
That alerts are generated when an alert condicion are “freed”. You can disable it globaly in pandora_server.conf, take a look to file.
It should not be a pandora_server.conf issue. YOU MUST review the complete configuration in the console (information is stored in the database, not in a file), if we don’t have more details about the configuration (as screenshots) I don’t know what to do, YOU have access to your configuration and databases, so YOU should review anything related with the alert configuration.
Raul -
I receive emeil like – some module is down…. Every time that it happens….
I try to send letter using some bash scripts like#!/bin/bash
FIELD3=”Letter text”
FIELD1=”myemail@address.com”echo $FIELD3 | mail $FIELD2 $FIELD1
and I receive letter (but I think mail don’t like when subject is more than 1 word).
so – with sending letter I think everythink is good.I also change alert_recovery to “0” in pandora_server.conf ….restart pandora, chenge alert_recovery to “1” and also restart pandora ( server, recon, network, snmpconsole).
Can it be that pandora takes alert_recovery value not only from pandora_server.conf???
Or there is some problem in mail service (because I see that pandora make event – alert -caused – RECOVED)?
maybe if I change server log verbosity to max (10) it will gives me sone news?
Thank you! -
Seems to be a problem on SMTP because it actually generate event. You have two servers, and in the first server everything works OK but in the second, recovery dont work.
In the second server do you have exactly the same setup that in first server ?
The software configuration (OS, packages, versions) are the same in the two server ?
Both servers has the same name ?
Have you changed the alert definition for email ?
Second server send mails for first step of alert (XXX is down) but don’t send you the second mail (Recovered XXX) ?
The same OS.
I think pandora v.1.3.1 – on second, and pandora v1.3 on first.
Both servers have different names.
Alert definition is the same (echo _field3_ _timestamp_ | mail -s _field2_ _field1_)
YES! I send me only when XXX down… but don’t send RECOVERED.I receive first email…. but don’t receive second.
And In postfix_log I see that first email was send… and nothing about second. -
Yes…. Finally I find that I use pandora v1.3 on server…
I try to upgrate – doing next – install PandoraFMS_server-1.3.1-SLE10.rpm and PandoraFMS_Console-1.3.1-SLE10.rpm , export my sql database….. run http://localhost/install.php install pandora ( create new database…. add pass for mysql…) and after import that database… but the version is the same – did I miss something or made some mistakes?