Problems (EN)

Problems (EN)

If you have a specific problem or question, maybe it's solved here.

How to run Pandora FMS Software Agent with the system startup

Question: I’ve installed the pandora_agent on my GNU/Linux system and I want it to run every time the computer starts...

Problems with PHP-PEAR RPM

Question: I installed the php-pear rpm package but the graphics don’t work. Answer: By default, php-pear is installed in /usr/share/pear...

I need more decimals in the definitions of SLA’s, how can I get it ?

Answer: Altering the database with following SQL sentence (MySQL): ALTER TABLE treport_content_sla_combined MODIFY `sla_limit` double(18,3) default NULL; ALTER TABLE treport_content_sla_combined...

I need more precision for the post-processing field

Answer: Altering database with the following SQL sentence (MySQL) should provide a fix: ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo MODIFY `post_process` double(18,13) default...

Can’t locate PandoraFMS/ on Debian after installing Pandora FMS 3.0

Answer: There seems to be a problem detecting the Perl version. To solve this, just copy for example: # cp...