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  4. Update manager error, references to a different location of Pandora FMS Console

Update manager error, references to a different location of Pandora FMS Console

Update Manager don’t work, and seems that is trying to update the console on other directory, I moved the console from the original installation and now Update Manager don’t work.

1. First connect with your MySQL console.

mysql> use pandora;
Database changed
mysql> select * from tupdate_settings;
| key                  | value                                              |
| current_update       | 412                                                |
| customer_key         | PANDORA-FREE                                       |
| dbhost               |                                                    |
| dbname               |                                                    |
| dbpass               |                                                    |
| dbport               |                                                    |
| dbuser               |                                                    |
| proxy                |                                                    |
| proxy_pass           |                                                    |
| proxy_port           |                                                    |
| proxy_user           |                                                    |
| updating_binary_path | Path where the updated binary files will be stored |
| updating_code_path   | Path where the updated code is stored              |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)


2. Use this query to point to your current console directory.

mysql> update tupdate_settings set `value` = "/var/www/pandora_console" where `key` = "updating_code_path";
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