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  • Pandora FMS question

    Posted by Anonymous on January 19, 2011 at 09:36

    Dear friends,
          In pandora, say i have a server where the cpu spikes a lot for short periods of time, when it happens to be high durring the check interval, does it continuously check from that point to see if it stays true, or does it only check if it’s still high after the threshold time?

    So say my cpu alert is set to a 15 minute threshold, does the cpu only have to be at 90%+ durring those two intervals, or will it check to make sure it’s true during the whole 15 minutes? I’m trying to figure out why we keep getting alerts for one of our servers. It’s a report server so it spikes a lot, but it’s normal. I disabled the alert for now, but I rather not do that in case a report loops badly and it does in fact go for a full 15+ minutes.

    daniels replied 14 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Robas

    January 19, 2011 at 17:02
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    Hi Madona,

    I’m not soooo experienced with Pandora but, for what I’ve learned so far, Pandora wouldn’t check the CPU usage during the whole 15 minutes. Have you considered using the FlipFlop threshold parameter?
    This parameter is used to filter the continuous changes of state a module can present; this allied to a lower module interval could help you.
    Instead of checking each 15 minutes, why don’t you set the interval to 3 minutes and the FlipFlop threshold to 5? this way the module MUST get a high CPU usage in the last 5 checkings to throw an alert, it means: 1 check each 3 minutes, all the last 5 checkings (15 minutes) must have had a high CPU usage in order to the module throw an alert.


    Module Return without FlipFlop threshold (1 means a high CPU usage)
    0 -> ok
    0 -> ok
    1 -> alert!
    1 -> alert!
    0 -> ok
    1 -> alert!

    Module Return WITH a FlipFlop threshold of 3:
    1 -> ok
    1 -> ok
    0 -> ok
    1 -> ok
    1 -> ok
    1 -> alert!

    Best Regards.

  • daniels

    February 10, 2011 at 21:35
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    Hi Madona,

      Is your report server a Windows machine? I have a lot of problems measuring cpu usage in windows machines because it have a lot of peaks.

      In my linux servers I’m using sar, and they give me very better mean values.
