Map can not be generated… Is attachments readable or issue with twopi
Hi everyone. I hope this is the correct location to post this questions and that it’s not too basic.
Anyways, I have the console, server & agent all up and running on a Centos 5.5 installation. I’m running Apache 2.2.3
php 5.3
mysql 5.0.77with the latest Pandora FMS.
I can login to my console and see a couple agents that I have setup on different machines. Linux & windows both…
My issue is when I try to view the map I get the following error
Map could not be generated Apparently something went wrong reading the output. Is /var/www/php/pandora_console/attachment readable by the webserver process? Is twopi (usually part of GraphViz) and echo installed and able to be executed by the webserver process?
For troubleshooting purposes I changed the permissions of the attachments folder and all sub-directories to 777. When that didn’t resolve anything I changed the permissions of my entire webfolder to 777. Still no dice…
I have graphviz installed, graphviz-php and webdot. If I type twopi (which I don’t really know exactly what it does just a general idea since it’s related to graphviz and the map can’t generate without it haha). Like i said if I type in twopi -v into the console I get the following
twopi - graphviz version 2.26.3 (20100126.1600) Activated plugin library: libgvplugin_neato_layout.so.6 Using layout: twopi:neato_layout Activated plugin library: libgvplugin_core.so.6 Using render: dot:core Using device: dot:dot:core The plugin configuration file:     /usr/local/lib/graphviz/config6         was successfully loaded.   render   : dot fig gd map ps svg tk vml xdot   layout   : circo dot fdp neato nop nop1 nop2 osage patchwork sfdp twopi   textlayout :   device   : canon cmap cmapx cmapx_np dot eps fig gd gd2 gif gv imap imap_np ismap jpe jpeg jpg plain plain-ext ps ps2 svg svgz tk vml vmlz wbmp xdot   loadimage : (lib) eps gd gd2 gif jpe jpeg jpg png ps svg
Does anyone know what I can do to fix this issue or if it means I did something wrong during the installation?
Thanks a lot for your time.