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Agente satelite. Satellite agent.
Posted by hnavarroa on June 16, 2009 at 05:15Hola;
Necesito montar un agente satelite para mi sistema de monitorización. No encuentro ninguna documentación de como montar uno desde cero. Me podeis orientar un poquito. Ando muy perdido.
Hi;I have to set a satellite agent for monitoring system. I don´t find info to install it step by step. There are some doc to do it? I need your help.
manu replied 15 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 18 Replies -
18 Replies
Hi Manu;
I want to check the keep alive for a router that conect my LAN to internet. If I check the connection from my local pandora server I can´t see if the internet line have a problem. My idea is: have a satellite agent on a norma ADSL and ping the public IP, and this agent send a report to Pandora.
I installed a windows agent, tenclale on windows and server, the server receive filles with info on /var/spool/pandora/data_in. I add a agent on my Pandora console, but any info appear on this agent.
I intall a windows agent 2.1 and my server is Pandora FMS 2.0 version, may this is the problem.
i will explain my case.
I created two agents with 2 modules (one to ping and the other to see the latency) one agent have this address 74 125 79 99 (www.google.com) and the other have 87 248 113 14 (www.yahoo.com)
also try use snmp to check the router, usually it doesn’t answer a ping so you can’t check router by icmp.
Hi hnavarroa
Maybe you can add a module in that Windows agent to check the IP, if so, edit your agent .conf and add this module (i have just created it and tested with a Windows in spanish, so if yours is in english you gotta change the strings)
module_name CheckPing
module_type generic_proc
module_exec ping -n 1 | grep -i recibidos | tr -d ” “| cut -d “=” -f2 | tr -d “,” | tr -d “recibidos” | tr -d “n”
module_description External ping
module_endIf the ping is OK you’d get an 1, therefore that’s an OK for pandora, if the ping fail, you’d get a 0, therefore, BAD for pandora. There you are then, GREEN (OK) and RED (BAD) in your pandora console.
Hope this helps
Manu thanks.
Do you speak spanish? for me is better jejeje
Great I just add yor module to the agent. This work ok and send the file to server. This file appear on /var/spool/pandora/data_in The file contain below:CheckPing
Chequeo de ip.…
Up here all is ok, but the problem is show this info on Pandora console. I am not sure how to do it. I tryed to create agent (with the same name agent1) and wait to the server obtain the info but nothing happend but nothing. Then I try to add the module on the console but I don´t know how to do it, I tryed diferets types but nothing jejejeje.
[cite]Posted By: manu[/cite]
Hi hnavarroaMaybe you can add a module in that Windows agent to check the IP, if so, edit your agent .conf and add this module (i have just created it and tested with a Windows in spanish, so if yours is in english you gotta change the strings)
module_name CheckPing
module_type generic_proc
module_exec ping -n 1 | grep -i recibidos | tr -d ” “| cut -d “=” -f2 | tr -d “,” | tr -d “recibidos” | tr -d “n”
module_description External ping
module_endIf the ping is OK you’d get an 1, therefore that’s an OK for pandora, if the ping fail, you’d get a 0, therefore, BAD for pandora. There you are then, GREEN (OK) and RED (BAD) in your pandora console.
Hope this helps
i tried and always get 1, this is correct… i think
ping -n 1 | grep -i recibidos | tr -d ” “| cut -d “=” -f3 | tr -d “,” | tr -d “perdidos” | tr -d “n”
i don’t understand why this module.. it’s only check ping for an ip… but doesn’t check the status of the line.
the router can answer for the ping but if dsl line or atm is down the router still answer ping. -
suzdal with this module I can check if some line is down. For example we have a MACROLAN and our router have a public ip. We have several ADSL´s; with this module I can put a agent on one of these and check that MACROLAN line is up. I can´t check the public ip from our LAN coz the internal interface on the router answer even the line is down.
manu: I know that the info have to appear on the agent, but anything appear. I go to View Agent->Agent Detail-> “agent1” but not appear anything on data or on Main page. I think that may the problem is coz I make a error creating the agent on the console.
Manu thanks for your help.
Do not create the agent manually, it should shows up when the XML is received and processed.
If you created the agent called: agent1
Edit the pandora_agent.confRemove the “#” in the line:
#agent_nameand leave it like this:
agent_name agent1Restart the agent.
Wait a little bit and the information should appear there. -
but you can specify any ip in the agent and check it by icmp (host alive)… like me and the ip’s from google or yahoo.
haber si me explico.
en pandora console, tu puedes crear manualmente un agente especificando cualquier ip, asi que tienes la versatilidad para chequear cualquier ip de cualquier sitio y red.
luego añades el modulo de host alive que al fin y al cabo lo que hace es un ping a la ip del agente (la que hallamos puesto al crearlo)total que en la propia consola tu puedes crear un agente test_linia1, poner la ip por ej. y al añadir el modulo host alive el sólo se encargara de ir haciendo pings.
por eso no entiendo el rollo de ir haciendo tu mismo el agente y demás si la consola te lo hace solo.
jejeje si mejor en castellano. a ver te explico:
Ya se que puedo agregar un agente y a ese agente agregarle un modulo de host alive y esto me chequeara que el host responda a ping. El problema es que si quiero chequear una linea, por ejemplo una linea de MPLS, que da acceso a mi red pingando a la ip publica de la linea, desde un server pandora en mi misma LAN, el ping siguira respondiendo al ping aunque la linea externa este caida. Esto se debe a que internamente el router si que responde a la petición de ping de la propia red, ya que la ip publica esta definida en el interface de salida del mismo router. Por eso el chequeo lo quiero hacer desde un agente satelite ubicado en una ADSL de la que tambien disponemos y que envie el resultado al server pandora. No se si me he explicado con claridad. La verdad es que es una historia un poco liosa no??
vale, ahora lo entiendo pero por que en vez de pingar desde fuera a tu linea, no pingas desde tu linea a una ip que este al otro lado?
yo hago esto con los servidores que tengo en el datacenter, en vez de instalar un agente en ellos (por tema de seguridad del datacenter) e ir chequeando la linea de fibra, hago que pings desde mi lan a los servidores es una opción más sencilla.
también añado módulos wmi, etc… y completo un chequeo amplio sin instalar nada alli, total que me entero de todo sin poner nada alli.
pero bueno ahora que he entendido el pq, también podrías ejecutar el instalable del agente para windows y configurar el pandora.conf con todos los módulos que quieras.