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  • remote_config doubts

    Posted by daniels on January 15, 2009 at 05:52

    Hi everybody,

    I’m trying to use the remote_config parameter in the agents, but have no success until now…

    Even when I set up the remote_config 1 in the pandora_agent.config and restart the agent, the server (agent detail -> Manage) still reports “Remote Configuration: Not available”.

    I tried with two or three agents, restart the agent and the same result… Am I doing something wrong? Is there a detailed documentation about the remote configuration?

    I wanna try the remote config because I have some doubts about the improvements that this configuration will bring to my environment, for example: The contents of the pandora_agent.config file will change based on the configuration changes in the server? Why there is no field (in “Module assignment – Data server module” to put the module_exec parameters? Am I missunderstanding this functionality?

    Thank you.

    manu replied 16 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • manu

    January 15, 2009 at 07:43
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    The remote_config is an enterprise feature.
    So you won’t get the interface (in the webconsole) to use it, even if you set remote_config 1 in the pandora_agent.conf