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  • Couple of questions

    Posted by Takie on October 18, 2007 at 16:13

    Hi again

    Back with a couple questions and remarks 🙂

    1)I just did a fresh install of Pandora FMS 1.3 final. Only problem is the text labels for the graph legends are gone. I also had this problem in the past but somehowe I managed to apt-get (using Ubuntu) the right packages. But I forgot the names of those packages. I taught it was php-image-graph and php-image-canvas but apparently not because I installed those.

    2) I have a monitor (remote_snmp_proc) that checks or an interface of a router is up or down. But when I unplug the cable of that interface it just keeps showing “1” or up in pandora at the next refresh. Any clue’s how and where to change this in the code that when no input is detected (time out) the value of the graph goes to zero. This is probably going to be in the perl code right? Problem is I never used perl before so any help is welcome!

    3) In the Pandora Console quick install guide. I think on the line with all the “apt-get packages” in the beginning, “pear” needs to be “php-pear”.


    manu replied 17 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • manu

    October 19, 2007 at 11:30
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    1) Image graph is totally deprecated since 1.2 version we’re using now GD.
    This line works for all the debian systems and should provide everything necessary to run pandora without a problem (at least no dependencies problem), verify if you missed one of the packages below:
    apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 apache2 mysql-server php5-gd php5-mysql php-pear php5-snmp

    2) If you set up a host alive module (a ping,basically, 0 down, no ping response, 1 up, ping response) in the router if you switch it off it still shows 1?

    3) You’re right, I’m gonna change it right now. Thanks for the report.