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  • Pandora Live CD

    Posted by Sancho on February 7, 2006 at 19:34

    Some time ago, we was thinking about create a small live-cd distro (who could install on HD too) with Pandora pre-configured into it, but at this moment we dont have time for it, so we are looking for people interested in participate in this project.

    Sancho replied 18 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • spawn

    February 8, 2006 at 16:50
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    Probably I might be able to help out with this. Please elaborate on the requirements. Couple of questions I can think of is:

    1> Hope its gonna be on linux (preferrably some debian distro 😀 ). whats the base distro you want it on?
    2> Or would you want to have just apache/pandora/jgraph preinstalled and preconfigured without any kind of base OS (that would be a non-bootable cd)?
    2> Which webserver support?
    3> what are the bare minimum linux features/softwares you would like preinstalled?
    4> would you want the distro to have kde/gnome enabled?

    Please also list any schema, blue print you have thought of.

    Is it ok if we use one of the existing live-cd distros as a base?


  • Sancho

    February 8, 2006 at 18:31
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    Whow!, this is great !

    1) Linux of course, Debian based distro its perfect.
    2) Apache or Apache2, PHP 4.3 or higher, MySQL 4.x or higher
    3) SNMP Utils (snmptrapd) would be nice
    4) Full CPAN dependencies for pandora 1.2 server components
    5) I think that include X in this enviroment makes final .ISO bigger, and pandora it’s supposed to be a distributed enviroment, so better without X enviroment.

    Do you like to help us?, this will be great !!!!!

    You can use any existing distros you like, but would be nice if an optional installer could install “Pandora Distro” in harddrive.

  • spawn

    February 10, 2006 at 17:20
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    Wonderful 🙂
    The specs are very much do-able, the separate script to install pandora to HD is also possible. I would personally suggest LAMPPIX (http://lamppix.tinowagner.com/) for this purpose, alternatively you might want to have a look at http://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php to see an extensive list of current live-cd distros and chose one.

    Please let me know the final decission on the live-cd distro so that I can proceed further.


  • Sancho

    February 11, 2006 at 04:14
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    I was thinking about to not only install Pandora on HD, but install all linux distro (including pandora, MySQL, Apache, etc) into HD. LAMPPIX could be a good choice, but I think it’s unable to install itself into HD.

    Do you know “Metadistro” project ?, it seems to be very customizable, I tried some time ago (about 8 monts) but I cannot run it, project has been improved so its possible that now will be more easy to setup, I dont know really.

  • spawn

    February 12, 2006 at 15:30
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    I tried searching for Metadistro project on google, but no luck, I couldnt find its website, if possible drop in a url of the website if you are having it. In the meanwhile I downloaded the LAMPPIX ISO and opened it up with vmware and checked out the system, it looks pretty fine to me, additionally it also allows to install to the hardisk. This way the whole linux distro gets installed on the the hardisk along with the webiste. It seems pretty much fine to me. The apache and mysql configuration too seems pretty standard and fine.

    What do you say?


  • Sancho

    February 12, 2006 at 17:26
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    Go on with LAMPPIX :-), the most important question here its how to customize it to pre-install CPAN modules and presetting up Pandora options, data in MySQL etc…

  • Sancho

    February 12, 2006 at 17:34
    2212 Karma points
    Community awards: bulb Bright ideas
    Community rank: tentacle_master_icon Tentacle Master
  • spawn

    February 15, 2006 at 12:24
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    I started working on lamppix integration last weekend. I also went through the metadistro site from the url you had provided, but unfortunately the whole how-to sections are non-english 🙁 … this means extra time and effort to learn the distro details. So I started with LAMPPIX itself, there is one more reason for this choice also, this disto is allready prebuilt with configured LAMP package, which contains all our main requirements, apache, perl, php and others. All these are allready included and configured. Our only requirement now will be to integrate pandora packages into the ISO. This is going to simplify our task and help us concentrate more on our package integration without having to spend efforts on OS configs.

    Please find below work status details and a brief schedule:

    Last weekend, the following tasks were completed:
    1. Download and learn the disto details.
    2. Booted from the ISO image in a VMWARE.
    3. Successfully installed on hardisk from the ISO image.

    Conclusion: The distro boots and installs without issues on 3 different intel architectures simulated via vmware. So the base distro is good to go.

    Schedule for the comming weekend:
    1. Install pandora on the disk copy.
    2. Note down what additional modules were required/installed to get pandora working on the base copy (perl, apache, php, snmp, os modules)
    3. Collect all the organised modules.
    4. Integrate all the extra modules into the ISO.
    5. Rmaster a new ISO with the required modules and pandora integrated. (http://lamppix.tinowagner.com/wiki/)

    Please let me know if I am missing any steps.


  • Sancho

    February 15, 2006 at 18:12
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    Thanks for your work Spawn. Forget Metadistro, I think it was translated in english (all sections) but I dont know.

    About install Pandora, so please let me a few hours and today I publish a beta version for Pandora 1.2 in tarball so you can use it for testing. Raul is working in a mini-how-to-install Pandora 1.2 and differences with 1.1. I suppose this will be published today or tomorrow. News will be posted here, in the forums (and in our official project page).

    This will be great for help people to test Pandora more quickly. A good and important thing will be trying to have only the minimun system need to run Pandora. it’s better a small image than a large one.

    Good job, Spawn.

  • spawn

    February 22, 2006 at 13:59
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    Sorry for the late update, its been too hectic at job 🙁 .

    Ok last weekend I was able to experiment with the iso remastering of lamppix. Here is the status report:
    1. sucessfully integrated base pandora web console, mysql db with sample data, and pandora server into the iso.
    2. The initial integration worked and tested fine … cheers 🙂
    3. The base ISO lacks development modules, so I had tough time trying to install required SNMP and other perl modules on the ISO. This work is still pending.
    4. I havent yet integrated pandora client on the ISO yet.

    I will be working through this during the weekdays also and hopefully shall complete it by this weekend. There are couple of technical challanges I wish to discuss with the pandora community here:

    1. What should be included on the CD? I mean what is the final aim of this project, what level of operational functionality is expected from the live-cd project?

    2. Eventually pandora requires a lot of disk-write requirements, naturally this is not possible with just a live cd, we will have to have a writable medium configured along with the live-cd. Specially the database and pandora_server/data_in has to be ported into a writable medium like HDD, external USB drive, Pen drive or something like that. Without this the whole system will fail, as all parts of the system need database write capabilites, not possible with a CD ROM.

    Please help me out with these questions so that I can have a clear idea about what to aim for from here.


  • Sancho

    February 22, 2006 at 22:14
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    3) This could limit seriously functionality, because pandora uses a lot of not very used PERL modules like XML::Simple (needed for data server) and NET-SNMP or Ping for Network Server. Its easy to install in a modern system with CPAN, but I don’t know how to to this in lamppix. If you need help, you could put your work in our FTP and try to get more people involved in your project.

    4) One pandora agent will be nice, for live-demo purposes and for real install. It’s important to use agents when we want to obtain real compex data about our system, as for example, exact performance of apps, system, network resources, etc. I’ will help you about this if needed, dont worry.

    I think the final aim of this project is to provide a live test plattform and to provide a quick method to install in a fresh machine (or virtual machine) to make more in-depth testing with pandora.

    About disk writting ¿is not possible to use a ramdisk?, in the live demo, we could use a simple dataserver, with an agent (in the same machine) and a remote agent using a simple ping and a TCP test, this must be very small database and very small in I/O operations.

  • spawn

    February 24, 2006 at 09:43
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    the perl modules and other dependencies will all be present in the ISO, so there wouldnt be any functionality limitation. Ah nothing to worry about it.

  • Sancho

    February 25, 2006 at 20:00
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    Fine! when you could upload the image, i think that many of us will test image and give you more feedback