Table of Contents

Console Settings

In this section you can modify and adjust operating parameters of the Pandora FMS Console, which will affect its general operation.

In the ManagementSetupSetup section you will find all the configuration options, which are described below.


General Setup

Important fields:


If you have enabled this field and have not configured your Apache to use HTTPS, you will not be able to access the WEB console and will have to disable this option again by accessing the database directly through MySQL and inserting the following query:

update tconfig set `value` = 0 WHERE `token` = 'https';

If you are using EL8 (Enterprise Linux 8), apart from enabling Enable console log, you must modify the file


and comment with a semicolon the following parameter:

;php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log

This way the data will be saved in …/pandora_console/log/console.log .

NCM Configuration

Dedicated console for reports

Enterprise VersionNG 764 version or later.

The critical mission of the dedicated Reporting Console, based on the data extracted from the PFMS databases (main and historical), is to prepare, convert into useful information, generate, save and send reports for hundreds of agents and software agents. To do this, it has preconfigured special aspects for both the software and the hardware:

$config["reporting_console_node"] = true;

Email Settings

Below there is a configuration example using the Gmail® SMTP server:

If you use a Gmail® account, Google® may block authentication attempts by certain applications. For correct operation, it will therefore be necessary to enable access to unsafe applications. You may find more information about how to do this on the official Google® support pages.

For security, use a Gmail® email account created specifically and solely to send notification messages from Pandora FMS server. Never use an email account for personal use for this.

If necessary, modify the token mta_auth in file /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf. This token, by default, is set as a comment, so it must be activated by editing this line and setting the required authentication type, see this link for more details.

Once the email configuration has been saved, by clicking on the Email test option you may check if your configuration is correct by sending an email automatically generated by Pandora FMS to a desired email address. Only if the selected settings are correct, you will be able to see the email in your inbox.

Make sure that your Pandora FMS server is capable of resolving, through its DNS server, the mail server in charge of your email domain.

nslookup -type=mx my.domain

Also in this case, make sure that your email server accepts emails redirected from Pandora FMS server.

For more information you may check Pandora FMS server configuration.

Password policy

Enterprise VersionTo activate the password policy, you must have an administrator profile (Pandora administrator) or be superadmin .

It is configured in ManagementSetupSetupPassword policy:

Important fields:


Enterprise VersionIf the Enterprise version is used, the following fields can be configured:

Historical database

This functionality allows data to be saved with a configured age in a database other than the main one to speed up the exploitation of the latter.

From the menu choose ManagementSetupSetupHistorical database and press the Enable historical database button to access the connection settings (Configure connection target). After filling in the fields and connecting to the historical database, fill in the custom parameters (Customize settings):

Log collector

Menu ManagementSetupSetupLog collector (OpenSearch). It must be configured as explained in “Monitoring and log collection”.


The following fields are common to all options:

Local Pandora FMS

Default authentication indicates that it will be carried out using the internal Pandora FMS database. For security, superadmin type users are always authenticated in this way, the rest of the authentication types have the local option as a backup (fallback).

Active Directory



Important fields:

Advanced LDAP Config

Attributes must have the following format Attribute_Name = Attribute_Value

Double authentication

Users will be able to choose whether to enable two-step authentication on their accounts.

To use this functionality, the administrator must activate double authentication in the authentication section of the global configuration of the Pandora FMS console. It will also be necessary to have the code generating application on a mobile device you own. To know where and how to download it:

This functionality requires that the server and mobile devices have a synchronized and as accurate date and time as possible.

Force 2FA for all users is enabled

Enabling this option will force all users to use two-step authentication.

To disable this functionality without using the graphical interface, an administrator can use the PFMS CLI.


For SAML configuration, you can consult this section.


The performance of Pandora FMS is affected by various factors that must be refined in the following sections. Go to menu ManagementSetupSetupPerformance.

Database maintenance status

Database maintenance options

Menu ManagementSetupSetupPerformance.

Historical database maintenance options

These parameters will only appear if there is a history database configured in Pandora FMS.


Default values for SNMP interface

To complete the SNMP configuration from the previous section, you can either set the default values to be used for the different modules in the SNMP interface wizard.

Visual styles

In this section you can configure all visual elements of Pandora FMS.

Go to menu ManagementSetupSetupVisual styles.

Behavior configuration

GIS configuration

Style configuration

Style settings for graphic elements:

Important notes:


The following alternative rebranding configuration tokens are stored as a comment (commented) in config.php to preserve the configuration in case of database failure.

  Uncomment these lines and add your customs text and paths.
  $config["custom_logo_login_alt"] ="login_logo.png";
  $config["custom_splash_login_alt"] = "splash_image_default.png";
  $config["custom_title1_login_alt"] = "WELCOME TO Pandora FMS";
  $config["custom_title2_login_alt"] = "NEXT GENERATION";
  $config["rb_product_name_alt"] = "Pandora FMS";
  $config["custom_docs_url_alt"] = "";
  $config["custom_support_url_alt"] = "";

Chart settings

Graphics settings:

Important notes:

Font and text settings

Letter and text font settings:

Visual console configuration

Visual console configuration:

Reports configuration

Configuration of reports:

Services configuration

Number of favorite services to show in the menu: Maximum number of favorite visual consoles that can be shown in the visual console submenu.

Other configuration

Other settings:


For more information, see the topic “Network monitoring with NetFlow”. Notable fields:


By enabling the integration with eHorus you will have access to the configuration:

You can find more information about the integration with eHorus in this section

Pandora ITSM

Allows you to enable the connection and communication between Pandora FMS and Pandora ITSM. The activate button can be configured to be used for all users (default option enabled) or for each user to configure their own connection.

It is made up of three sections:

Pandora ITSM API settings

Both the incoming connection for Pandora ITSM and the incoming connection for Pandora FMS must be configured to guarantee bidirectional communication.

Alert default values

In this section called Default values for alerts, the default parameters will be established to register incidents in Pandora ITSM from the alerts generated in Pandora FMS. All fields refer to Pandora ITSM and the connection must have been configured first according to the Pandora ITSM API settings section.

Event custom response default values

In this section called Default values for events, the default parameters will be established to register incidents in Pandora ITSM from the events generated in Pandora FMS. All fields refer to Pandora ITSM and the connection must have been configured first according to the Pandora ITSM API settings section.

Module Library

Enterprise VersionThis option allows you to save the credentials to access the Pandora FMS Enterprise Library directly from the Console.


In Pandora FMS there is a notification and monitoring system for the status of the console and the system in general. You can enable notifications by following the instructions in the Console Management section.


From version 774 onwards, Pandora FMS QuickShell feature was upgraded and for its proper functioning, it will be necessary to have the pandora_gotty binary installed in /usr/bin/. This feature is installed by default in version 774 of Pandora FMS and the only additional configuration will be to allow the connection to the installed firewall and add port number 8080.

If you are upgrading to PFMS version 774, see the migration process to pandora_gotty: “Upgrade to version 774”.

QuickShell Settings

In menu Management → Setup → QuickShell → GoTTY general parameters, in the Address field, enter the IP address or URL of PFMS Web Console and the port number to use (remember to allow connection in the corresponding firewall). Save the values by clicking on Update (saving forces QuickShell to be run).

Connection can be enabled through SSH (Enable SSH method) and/or Telnet (Enable telnet method), when configuring the desired values, save with the Update button (when saving, it forces QuickShell to be run). The connection can then be tested and verified with the corresponding Test buttons.

Optional QuickShell configuration with safe methods

If you have SSL certificates, it is advisable to encrypt conection transmission to strengthen computer security.

Before proceeding to encrypt communications (Use SSL corresponding to SSH and/or Telnet) the following configurations must first be made:

Pandora Gotty config file


  [bool] Enable TLS/SSL
enable_tls = true

  [string] Default TLS certificate file path
tls_crt_file = "/path/.cert.crt"

  [string] Default TLS key file path
tls_key_file = "/path/key.key"

  [bool] Enable client certificate authentication
enable_tls_client_auth = false

  [string] Certificate file of CA for client certificates
tls_ca_crt_file = "/path/"


Again in the menu Management → Setup → QuickShell → GoTTY general parameters in the Address field, enter the IP address or URL that matches the added values, check Use SSL for SSH and/or or Telnet and save by clicking Update (saving forces QuickShell to run). The connection can then be tested and verified with the corresponding Test buttons.

Update to version 774

kill $(ps aux | grep gotty | awk '{print $2}')
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep gotty

External tools

In the external tools section you can configure the alarm sounds for them, in addition to the default paths of their executable files. You can also define your own custom commands using macros to interact with Pandora FMS agents.

Welcome tips

Menu ManagementSetupSetupWelcome tips.

Tips are short messages, whether or not accompanied by a web link to further details of the tip displayed when you log in to the PFMS Web Console. You can set the language for each of them and to edit them, it has a filter that allows you to search by keyword in the title of each tip. Each user will be able to establish their own user configuration with the Show usage tips at startup token.

Through the classification of Profiles established read in PFMS you can configure the welcome tips in the drop-down list in Profile, depending on the profile allowed to each user, they may or may not view them.

  • Add one or more related images as long as their size is 464 by 260 pixels.
  • Each tip may or may not be enabled to be viewed.

GIS map connection

All documentation on GIS maps can be found in the section Pandora FMS GIS.


Once you have installed Pandora FMS you can perform the application of a license. Then in this section you can find out its status, request a validation (Validate button) in the case of reinstalling a Pandora FMS instance or request a new license (Request new license button). . In the Show agent usage detail button you can see the total number of agents (with the option to filter by enabled agents) as well as the subtotals classified into three large categories.

If the Satellite server option is active, a license encryption key can be configured (License encryption key) that will guarantee the secure transmission of said token to the Satellite server. This same key will need to be configured on the Satellite server.

The server is installed with a trial license valid for a maximum of 100 agents and one month of use. If you wish to expand this license, contact your trusted sales representative or fill out the following contact form.

The Community version (Open) does not require any license to use.


This functionality allows you to customize the appearance of the interface (skin) of the Pandora FMS console. This is achieved by changing the CSS style files and icons associated with the interface.

To create a new skin, you must replicate the directory structure that the console has by default:

This will hang from the <pandora_root>/images/skin/ directory. This entire file structure and its content must be compressed in a zip file.

A skin can be applied at two levels:

If a user has a skin applied per user and group, priority will be given to the user assignment and then to the group assignment.

Translate string

Go to the side menu and click SetupTranslate string. You can make your custom translations (Customize translation column) even with macro variables; This extension is fully described in the section Translate string.

Admin tools

System audit log

Menu ManagementAdmin toolsSystem Audit Log

Pandora FMS keeps a record or log of all important changes and actions produced in the Pandora FMS Console. You can get more information in the section Audit log.

From ManagementAdmin toolsLinks you can access the web links management page of the Pandora FMS console.

Both to create a new web link and to update an existing one, the process is practically the same. Once you have edited and/or added all the necessary web links you will always have them at hand in the left side menu.

Diagnostic info

Access through ManagementAdmin toolsDiagnostic info the visual tool that shows the current status of the Pandora FMS server and console. If you want to obtain this information via the command line, see Pandora FMS Optimization and Troubleshooting.

Enterprise VersionThere is the option to export all the information in PDF.


Enterprise Version.Omnishell is an Enterprise functionality of Pandora FMS that is used for the orchestration and automation of information technologies. You can get more information in the section IT Omnishell Automation.


Enterprise VersionWith the IPAM extension you can manage the IP addresses of the networks. You can get more information in the section IPAM: IP Address Management.

Site news

From ManagementAdmin toolsSite news it is possible to add the news that appears on the home page when a user enters the console.

To create a news item press Add, write the subject or title in Subject, select the group that will receive the announcement and the deadline to be shown. If you select Modal window the news will be displayed in a pop-up that the user must read and close.

File Manager

Useful tool to upload content to Pandora FMS, menu ManageAdmin toolsFile Manager . The entire contents of the images folder within the Pandora FMS installation will be displayed.

Keep in mind that if the compressed file you upload contains a structure of directories and subdirectories with the files in each of them, said structure will also be created in /var/www/html/pandora_console/images/ .

DB Schema Check

This check can only be performed on MySQL Databases.

This is an extension that allows you to check the structural differences between the established Pandora FMS database, and a pattern scheme to compare possible errors. See the section “Console management and administration”.

DB Interface

This is an extension that allows you to run commands on the database and see the result. It is an advanced tool that should only be used by people who know SQL and the Pandora FMS database schema in sufficient detail.

DB Backup Manager

Allows you to manage scheduled database backups using a Console task (“Console Task”).

Elasticsearch Interface

To activate the Elasticsearch interface, the Activate Log Collector token must be enabled in ManagementSetupSetupEnterprise.

Enterprise version.In the default configuration Pandora FMS generates an index per day, which ElasticSearch is responsible for fragmenting and distributing for future searches. For these searches to be optimal, by default ElasticSearch generates an index for each of them, so as many searches must be configured in the environment as there are ElasticSearch nodes installed.

These search and replicas are configured when an index is created, which Pandora FMS generates automatically, so to modify this configuration we must do use the templates.

Acoustic console setup

Allows you to configure the default sounds for the different event alarms.

API checker

The API checker allows you to call and check the Pandora FMS external API. See the External API section.

Extension manager

Extension manager view

Extensions are a way to develop new functionality for the Pandora FMS console, as well as plugins. See the topic Developing console extensions for more information.

From the menu Admin toolsExtension managerExtension manager view you can disable by clicking on the icon corresponding to each extension.

You can also delete an extension with the corresponding button. Managing extensions of visible type adds or removes elements in the left side menu.

Extension uploader

From the menu ManagementAdmin toolsExtension managerExtension uploader view you can upload an extension. The file must be compressed in .zip format. If the extension uses the gpolicies component, check the Upload Enterprise extension option. Once you have chosen the file, click the Upload button.

System logfiles

In the menu ManagementAdmin toolsExtension managerSystem logfiles it can be viewed, limited to the size of the token Log size limit in system logs viewer extension (General setup), the content of the following files:


CSV import group

Enterprise VersionSee the section Import groups from CSV in “Console management and administration” .


Operating systems

In this section you may edit or create new types of Operating System (OS), ManagementResourcesOperating systems. These groups are important for automatic agent provisioning.

Starting with version 774, PFMS has the scheduled obsolescence feature enabled, which works with inventory to obtain reports with filters for monitored devices.

If you have a new operating system, you can add it to the default list when installing PFMS. To do this, click on the Create OS button, enter the corresponding name and choose an icon from the list. If you have a new icon in JPG, JPEG, PNG or SVG format, use the Upload icon button, store it in PFMS and then search and select it by name. The process is finished with the Create button.


Export data

The menu Management → Tools → Export data allows you to choose an agent (which can be filtered by group) by its name and then select one more modules from it. By default, the time period is the last 24 hours and the available export formats are:

File repository manager

The file repository manager allows you to add the resources you need to be downloaded by the devices to be monitored when appropriate. It can be accessed from Management → Admin tools → Extension manager → File repository or from Management → Tools → Tools → File repository and then click on the Management view icon.

Select the group(s) that will download this resource and browse your local disk to upload this file. If you need to make this resource public, check the Public link box. Click the Add button and wait for the upload process to complete.

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