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10. Server Monitoring through Software Agents

First steps with Pandora FMS

MS Windows® First, download MS Windows® software agent installer:

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

9. Remote Server Monitoring

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS also offers the possibility of monitoring Linux and Windows servers remotely without ...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

8. Web Monitoring

First steps with Pandora FMS

For this last example we will use Pandora FMS web server component that performs HTTP and HTTPS b...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

7. Network device remote monitoring

First steps with Pandora FMS

Monitoring through network modules. TCP Service. In this case, monitoring to verify that an SMTP...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

6. Network device monitoring through SNMP Interface Wizard

First steps with Pandora FMS

In order to perform this type of monitoring, it is essential for the SNMP to be configured in t...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

5. Detecting and monitoring network and Windows devices with Discovery

First steps with Pandora FMS

Let us now look at a more complex discovery task by configuring SNMP and WMI, two protocols use...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

4. Detecting and monitoring new systems with Discovery

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS Discovery tool provides a set of tools to simplify monitoring through wizards, includ...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

2. Basic Architecture

First steps with Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS servers Servers are integrated into a single application, usually called Pandora Ser...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

1. Introduction

First steps with Pandora FMS

The purpose of this guide is to briefly introduce Pandora FMS to someone who is not familiar with...

Updated 2 months ago by Laura Cano

Módules generated by the plugin


The plugin will create an agent for the target server. This agent will contain the following pred...

Updated 3 months ago by Rafael Ameijeiras

Módulos generados por el plugin


El plugin creará un agente para el servidor objetivo. Ese agente contendrá los siguientes módulos...

Updated 3 months ago by Rafael Ameijeiras

Agent and modules generated by the plugin

Google Drive

The plugin will create an agent named <Prefix>Google Drive, with the following modules: < ...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Configuration in PandoraFMS

Google Drive

To configure the plugin in PandoraFMS, the following steps must be followed : 1. Upload the plug...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Ejecución manual

Google Drive

El formato de ejecución del plugin es el siguiente : ./pandora_googledrive --creds_json/creds_ba...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Manual execution

Google Drive

The plugin execution format is as follows : ./pandora_googledrive --creds_json/creds_base64 <fil...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Google Drive

Meraki connection parameters --creds_json json file with google credentials --creds_...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisites

Google Drive

  Google Drive API enabled JSON file with credentials Enable Google Drive API:Go to the Go...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Compatibility matrix

Google Drive

Systems where tested Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Systems where it works     Any linux sys...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Google Drive

Ver. 26-03-2024 This plugin is intended to monitor the space and the date of the last change of ...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisitos

Google Drive

Google Drive API habilitada Archivo JSON con las credenciales Habilitar la API de Google Dr...

Updated 3 months ago by alejandro.sanchez