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PandoraFMS configuration


This plugin can be configured as a server plugin or as an agent plugin. Server Plugin 1. We can...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo

Ejecución manual


Default execution ./pandora_collectd Execution with regular expressions ./pandora_collectd -r ...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo

Ejecución manual


Ejecución por defecto ./pandora_collectd Ejecución con expresiones regulares ./pandora_collect...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo



-h, --help Help information on the plugin arguments. -c, --collectdctl Path of colle...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo

Pre requisitos


Tener instalado y configurado Collectd. En los sistemas operativos Linux más recientes (como R...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo



Have Collectd installed and configured. On newer Linux operating systems (such as Rocky Linux ...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo

Compatibility matrix


Systems where it has been tested CentOS 7, Rocky Linux 8 and Ubuntu 22.04 Systems whe...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo



The pandora_collectd plugin is responsible for integrating the collectd collection with the Pando...

Updated 7 months ago by Carlos Pozuelo

Configuration in PandoraFMS

Pandora UX

Example running the plugin as an agent plugin

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

7. Monitorización remota de dispositivos de red

Primeros pasos con Pandora FMS

Monitorización mediante módulos de red. Servicio TCP En este caso se va a añadir una monitorizac...

Updated 7 months ago by Jimmy Olano

Ejecución manual PDR (chequeos de escritorio)

Plugin pandora UX

Configuraciones previas El sistema PDR únicamente funciona en sistemas Windows®, y una vez en ej...

Updated 7 months ago by Jimmy Olano

Parameters and configuration


Parameters --conf Path to configuration file --target_databases Path to the configu...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Configuration in PandoraFMS

Dynamic snmp

To configure the plugin in PandoraFMS, the following steps must be followed :   1. Upload the p...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Manual execution

Dynamic snmp

El formato de ejecución del plugin es el siguiente : ./ -agent <agent name> -h <h...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Agents and modules generated by the plugin

Dynamic snmp

The plugin will create the modules in the selected agent with the -agent parameter, or otherwise ...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Dynamic snmp

-c Comunity -v Snmp version -h IP to which the plugin ...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisites

Dynamic snmp

Connectivity to the host and the community to be scanned.

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Compatibility matrix

Dynamic snmp

Systems where tested Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Sistemas donde funciona Cualquier sistem...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Dynamic snmp

Ver. 15-02-2024 The purpose of this plugin is to perform dynamic SNMP scans. Tipo: Plug-in server

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Parámetros y configuración


Parámetros --conf Ruta al archivo de configuración --target_databases Ruta al archi...

Updated 7 months ago by alejandro.sanchez