Configuration in Pandora FMS
As agent plugin
To be able to monitor from Pandora FMS with the plugin, we must call it from the conf of the software agent that is in the following path :
we will call it in the last line of the conf with the command module_plugin , followed by the path of the perl plugin and the path of the conf file.
module_plugin perl <path .pl> <path .conf>
This can also be done from the console if remote configuration is enabled.
As a server plugin
Installation from console
To register the plugin, from the console, go to the "register plugin" section.
Click on select file.
The .pspz2 file to be uploaded will be selected.
A message will appear informing that you have successfully registered.
Once the plugin is registered, we will see it in the plugins section.
You can access the plugin menu by clicking on the plugin title.
In parameters we will see the macro used by the plugin, this is not necessary to touch it
In the Default value field, we must enter the path to our .conf file.
Manual installation
Go to servers > plugins:
Click on add:
We put the name and description of your choice:
We enter as command the execution with the path of the plugin:
/path_pandora_openshift path_pandora_openshift.conf