Modules provided
The modules available for each element of the HyperV architecture are as follows. Some of them have preconfigured thresholds that could be modified directly in Pandora FMS console:
5.1 Modules for Local Agent
- % Mem Use:
Percentage of RAM memory usage of the host computer in use.
- CPU Use:
Percentage of CPU usage of the host computer.
- Avail Dynamic Memory Balancer*:
Total amount of physical host memory in Bytes, available for Dynamic Memory Balancer.
- FreeDisk (Volume_Name):
Percentage of free disk in the different Host Volumes. As many modules will be added as there are units in the computer.
- Disk Read Bytes (Volume_Name)*:
Bytes/sec read by each Logical Disk.
- Disk Write Bytes (Volume_Name)*:
Bytes/sec written by each Logical Disk.
- Disk (Volume_Name) Health:
String with the Health of the local volumes. The thresholds are configured to go to warning if the Health is "Warning" and to critical if the Health is "Unknown".
- File size of vdisk (VDisk_Name) on VM (VM_Name):
File size of the virtual disks created in the virtual machines.
- Total VMs:
Total number of all virtual machines created on the host computer.
- Total VMs State Running:
Number of virtual machines in current state Running.
- Total VMs State Off:
Number of virtual machines in current state Off.
- Total VMs State Saved:
Number of virtual machines in current state Saved.
- Total VMs State Paused:
Number of virtual machines in current state Paused.
- Total VMs State Other:
Number of virtual machines in a current state other than Running, Off, Saved or Paused.
- Total Assigned Memory:
Total memory allocated to all virtual machines (in GB)
- Total Assigned Memory %:
Percentage of total memory allocated to all virtual machines relative to total host memory.
- Total Demand Memory:
Total memory demanded by all virtual machines (in GB)
- Total Demand Memory %:
% of Total memory demanded by all virtual machines in relation to total host memory.
- Total VMs Memory Available:
Percentage of Total Available Memory for the virtualization environment ((Total Demand
Memory / Total Assigned Memory) *100)
- Bytes Sent (Interface):
Number of bytes/sec sent by each network interface
- Bytes Received (Interface):
Number of bytes/sec received at each network interface.
- Packets Received:
Number of packets received by the network interface in each interval (Pack/sec)
* These modules are obtained by means of performance counters, whose name is dependent on the language of the equipment. Translation for teams has been added in English and Spanish.
5.2 Modules for Virtual Machine Agents
- Status:
Connection status. The module will go critical if the virtual machine is off. The rest of the modules will not be updated or created if it is critical.
- CPU_Usage:
Percentage of CPU used in the virtual machine
- VM_Uptime:
Uptime of the virtual machine. The value is calculated in Timeticks. You can make the value appear as Days, Hours, Minutes if you change the unit to Timeticks in the module configuration from the web console.
- Mem Dynamic Use:
Percentage of dynamic memory used by the virtual machine, this module will only be generated if dynamic memory is enabled in the Virtual Machine configuration.
- Total Disk IO:
Bytes of data read + Bytes of data written to the virtual machine disk
- % Disk IO Read:
% of the disk operations intended for reading with respect to the total.
- % Disk IO Write:
% of the operations on disk destined to writting with respect to the total.
- Disk IO Read Bytes/sec:
Bytes/sec read on virtual machine disk
- Disk IO Write Bytes/sec:
Bytes/sec written to the virtual machine's disk.
- % Disk used:
Percentage of virtual disk used by the virtual machine (one module will be created for each
disk obtained by the virtual machine)
- Bytes Send/sec:
Bytes/sec sent by the network adapter configured in the virtual machine
- Bytes Received/sec:
Bytes/sec received by the network adapter configured in the virtual machine
- Number of Snapshots:
Number of snapshots that exist in the virtual machine.