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Configuration file parameters

For the plugin to work properly, the configuration file must be edited with the characteristics of the environment.

This is an example of it:

# VM Agent Configuration
ServerIP localhost
Interval 300
Agent_Version 7.0NG.748
Group HyperV
File_Path C:\Program Files\pandora_agent\temp\
# VM Module Configuration (if you dont want to use any module NO or delete
it of the list)
VM_Uptime OK
VM_Dynamic_Memory OK
VM_I/O_Disk OK
VM_I/O_Network NO
VM_Snapshot OK
# Host Module Configuration
HS_Dynamic_Memory OK
HS_I/O_Disk OK
HS_I/O_Network OK
HS_Status OK
HS_VDisk_Size NO
HS_FreeDisk OK
HS_Disk_Health OK

Server IP: In this token we should configure the IP of the server to which the agent is pointing to, and it will be used to send the XML that are formed with each one of the virtual machines.
Interval: We will indicate the interval that the agents of the virtual machines are going to have, it is recommended to indicate an interval to give to the main agent. For example, if that agent has an interval of 300, we would indicate 300, 600, 900...
Agent_version: We will indicate the version of the main Pandora FMS agent so it will be shown in the console in the virtual machines agents. It is a merely descriptive data.
Group: The group we want our virtual machine agents to belong to will be configured. Make sure that this group is previously created in Pandora FMS console.
File_Path: The path where we want the XML of the different agents that will be formed with each virtual machine to be stored in a temporary way, and that later will be sent to the server through the tentacle protocol. The path must exist in the machine, it admits spaces and it is necessary to introduce it without any kind of quotes and ending in "\".
Tentacle_Options: In this token we will indicate the tentacle sending options. In the case that none is needed, nothing will be indicated as it is in the example file. These are the available options:
-c Enable SSL without client certificate
-e cert OpenSSL certificate file. Enables SSL.
-f ca Verifies that the certificate is signed by the ca.
-k key OpenSSL private key file
-p port Server port (41121 by default)
-x pwd Server password
-and proxy server Proxy server (http://user:password@address:port)
7.1 VM Modules
VM_ALL: If we have the token in the indicated way (VM_ALL) it will send the information of all the available modules of the virtual machines section. If we don't want all of them to be sent and we're going to configure each group of modules independently with the other tokens, we need to remove this token or fake it (VM#ALL)
VM_Uptime: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to
be sent:
- VM_Uptime
VM_Dinamic_Memory: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- %Mem Dynamic Use
VM_I/O_Disk: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to
be sent:
- Total Disk IO
- %Disk IO Read
- %Disk IO Write
- Disk IO Read Bytes/sec
- Disk IO Write Bytes/sec
VM_I/O_Network: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group ofmodules to be sent:
- Bytes Send/sec
- Bytes Received/sec
VM_VDisk: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to besent:
- % Disk used
VM_Snapshot: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules tobe sent:
- Number of snapshots
7.2 Host Modules
HS_ALL: If we have the token in the indicated way (HS_ALL) it will send the information ofall the available modules of the Host hypervisor section. If we don't want all of them to be sent and we are going to configure each group of modules independently with the rest of tokens, we must remove this token or fake it (HS#ALL)
HS_Dynamic_Memory: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of
modules to be sent:
- Avail Dynamic Memory Balancer
HS_I/O_Disk: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- Disk Read Bytes (Volume_Name)
- Disk Write Bytes (Volume_Name)
HS_I/O_Network: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- Bytes Sent (Interfaz)
- Bytes Received (Interfaz)HS_Mem: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- % Mem Use
HS_CPU: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- CPU Use
HS_Status: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- Total VMs
- Total VMs State Running
- Total VMs State Off
- Total VMs State Saved
- Total VMs State Paused
- Total VMs State Other
HS_VDisk_Size: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- File size of vdisk (VDisk_Name) on VM (VM_Name)
HS_FreeDisk: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- FreeDisk (Volume_Name)
HS_Disk_Health: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- Disk (Volume_Name) Health
HS_VMs_Mem: Through an OK, we will enable the following module/group of modules to be sent:
- Total Assigned Memory
- Total Assigned Memory (%)
- Total Demand Memory
- Total Demand Memory (%)
- Total VMs Memory Available (%)