Pandora ITSM Interface

Login screen

See "Connecting for the first time", as the screens are different and additional steps must be carried out.

The default credentials are:

  • User: admin.
  • Password: integria.

Once valid login credentials are entered, the Web Console will display the main welcome page by default. This home page can also be customized by users, as explained in section “Custom screens”.

Pandora ITSM Home Page

The default home page displays a default welcome message and a search engine above it for the Knowledge Base, the Wiki and Manage tickets by default. Depending on the permissions assigned to each user, the search in other areas can also be marked. The number of results in each area is set to ten by default, and can be adjusted in the Visual configuration.

Each user created will have more or less information, both in the main menu and in the rest of the elements, according to the access permissions granted.

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