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2200 total results found
Manual Execution
./get-config <ip> <user> <password> <enable pass> * si no se tiene configurado enable pass, introducir "" vacías en el último parámetro.
Configuration in PandoraFMS
To configure the plugin you must access the inventory modules menu in the configuration section. A new inventory plugin must be created, configured as follows. In the box below you must add the path of the plugin. Once created, access the inventory m...
Ver. 12-07-2022 Plug-in with which you can filter mails and the number of mails that match the filters used. Type: Server or agent plug-in
Compatibility matrix
Systems where tested Fedora Systems where it should work Any linux system
Pandora FMS Data Server enabled Pandora FMS Plugin Server enabled. Have python3 installed Install the following python libraries imap_tools pip install imap_tools python3 pip3 install imap_tools Cryptocode pip install cryptocode python3 pi...
--server Example: --user User's e-mail address --password User password --list To list all mailboxes --mailbox To choose mailbox to filter on (Inbox by default) --subject To filter word or phrase in the subject. --from_...
Manual execution
The plugin creates an agent with two modules for each execution, one with the number of emails that match the filtering and another with the list of these emails. The filtering parameters are the following: --subject --body --from_mail --date You can filt...
Configuration in PandoraFMS
Manual installation Go to servers > plugins: Click on add: We put the name and description of your choice: We enter as command the execution with the path of the plugin: python3 </path_pandora_imap> Remember that the recommended path for the use of...
Modules generated by the plugin
The plugin will create a module called "Coincidences_count" with the number of coincidences and if the ``--mail_list`` parameter is used it will also create a module with a list of coincidences. List module view
Ver. 23-08-2022 Plugin to monitor an azure Event Hubs namespace. Type: Server plug-in
Compatibility matrix
Systems where tested CentOS 7, Fedora, rocky linux Systems where it should work Any linux system
Pandora FMS Data Server enabled Have the Pandora FMS Plugin Server enabled. Know some credentials of your account, such as your tenant id, secret, client id and namespace resource id.
Previous configuration
The plugin makes use of a file in which two types of data can be entered. #credentials tenant_id:<tenant-id> client_id:<client-id> secret:<secret> #id resources eventhubspacename_id:<event_hub_namespace_resource_id> Obtaining credentials necessary for t...
Parámetro Descripción --timespan In hours (optional), last time period, can be used in a custom run to display data from a time period (optional). --metric Name of the metric for custom execution (optional). --granularity In minutesCombined with timesp...
Manual execution
Manual execution ./pandora_azureventhubs --conf <path-conf> --as_agent_plugin 1 Custom manual execution ./pandora_azureventhubs --conf <path-conf> --as_agent_plugin 1 --timespan <period in hours> --granularity <interval in minutes> --metric <name-metric...
Configuration in PandoraFMS
As server plugin Manual installation Go to servers > plugins: Click on add: We put in name and the description that is preferred. We put as command the execution with the path of the plugin: /path_pandora_azureventhubs Remember that the recommended ...
Modules generated by the plugin
The plugin will create an agent with the name we have set with the --agent_name parameter. And it will create the following modules: SuccessfulRequests ServerErrors UserErrors QuotaExceededErrors ThrottledRequests ...
Ver. 23-08-2022 Plugin with which to monitor an azure postgresql data server. Type: Server plug-in
Compatibility matrix
Systems where tested CentOS 7, Fedora, rocky linux Systems where it should work Any linux system
Pre requisites
Pandora FMS Data Server enabled Have the Pandora FMS Plugin Server enabled. Know some of your account credentials, such as your tenant id, secret, client id and server resource id.