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Ver. 240521 Con este plug-in podremos ver los datos de tu cuenta de digital ocean y de tus dr...
Matriz de compatibilidad
Sistemas donde se ha probado CentOS 7 Sistemas donde debería funcionar Cualquier sis...
Pre requisitos
Se requiere : Cuenta en digital Ocean Generar un token de lectura de la API desde digital ocea...
Habrá que generar un token, que sera la clave que accedera mediante la api a los datos de nuestra...
Parámetros generales del plugin
./pandora_digitalocean -t <token> [ -g <group> ] [ --data_dir <data_dir > ] Si la ejecución ha s...
Parametros específicos del plugin
El plug-in cuenta con los siguientes parámetros: Parámetro Descripción -h, --hel...
Ver. 240521 With this plug-in we can see the data of your digital ocean account and your droplet...
Compatibility matrix
Systems where it has been tested CentOS 7 Systems where it should work Any linux sys...
Required : Digital Ocean account Generate an API read token from digital ocean Have the Pando...
We will have to generate a token, which will be the key that will access through the api to the d...
General plugin parameters
./pandora_digitalocean -t <token> [ -g <group> ] [ --data_dir <data_dir > ] If the execution was...
Plugin-specific parameters
The plug-in has the following parameters: Parámetro Descripción -h, --help ...
Modules generated by the plugin
Two new agents will be created: In the first one, information about your droplets will be disp...
Manual execution
We can test the plugin from the terminal to see if it works, to check it, we run the plugin: F...
Configuration in Pandora
Without remote configuration enabled We must pass the plugin to the virtual machine, this can be...
Ver. 140521 With this plug-in you can monitor nginx or nginx plus.It takes the required ip statu...
Compatibility matrix
Systems where it has been tested CentOS 7 Systems where it should work Any linux sys...
Required : ngx_http_stub_status_modulePandora FMS agent installation You need to have enabled t...
Depending on whether you have manually compiled NGINX or the precompiled package you are using, t...
General plugin parameters
./nginx_monitor_enterprise <ip> /status To make the plugin work, it will be executed followed by...