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Cómo crear un apitoken de Mist
El apitoken es un parámetro obligatorio para autenticarse en la API de Mist y que el plugin sea c...
Ejecución del plugin y parámetros
El plugin necesita permisos de ejecución para poder lanzarse manualmente. En caso de que no los t...
Tanto el Data Server como el Plugin Server se encuentran habilitados por defecto en una instalaci...
Para poder ejecutar el plugin es necesario: Pandora FMS Data Server habilitado Pandora FMS Plu...
Matriz de compatibilidad
Sistemas en los que se ha probado CentOS 7 Sistemas en los que debería funcionar Cualquier...
Ver. 130721 Este plugin se usará para monitorizar los dispositivos dados de alta en el Cloud de ...
Both the Data Server and the Plugin Server are enabled by default in Pandora FMS. However, if we ...
How to know the "Organization ID"
The plugin extracts the data of all sites and devices registered in a Mist Organization. It is ma...
How to create Mist apitoken
APItoken is a mandatory parameter to authenticate in Mist API and that the plugin is able to extr...
Plugin execution and parameters
The plugin needs execution permissions to be launched: chmod +x pandora_mist The execution and ...
To be able to execute this plug-in it's necessary: Pandora FMS Data Server enabled. Pandora FM...
Compatibility Matrix
Systems tested CentOS 7 Systems where it should work Any Linux operating system that has...
Ver. 130721This plug-in is used to monitor devices registered in Mist Cloud.It connects to the Mi...
Modules generated by the plugin
The standard execution of this plugin will return the following modules by default (withall optio...
Configuration in Pandora
CONFIGURATION The configuration file of the JMX monitoring plugin is divided into blocks: Conne...
Manual execution
To run the plugin, configure the configuration file according to the instructions above.instructi...
JOLOKIA INSTALLATION Download the Jolokia agent from the official website:
It is required to deploy the Jolokia application on the application server we want to monitor.mon...
Compatibility matrix
Developed using IBM WebSphere, and Weblogic using agentWAR Jolokia 1.5.0 C...
View. Plug-in for monitoring application servers based on JMX technology. Type: Server plug-in