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Configuration in pandora


To install, copy ipmi_sensors to the plugins directory which is usually


This plugin requires freeipmi to be installed
and available on the agent's path.

Then add it to the configuration file, usually


For IPMI local access use:

module_plugin -l

For IPMI network access use:

module_plugin ipmi_sensors -h <hostname> -u <username> -p <password>

Replace hostname,username, andpassword, with appropriate values.

If you wish the modules to be in a module group add "-g group". For example:

module_plugin -l -g "IPMI Sensors"

Note: The module group must be created in PandoraFMS in advance.


The following installation instructions refer to the pandora_agent_install directory.
On 32-bit windows this is usually C:\Program Files\pandora_agent, on 64-bit Windows
it is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\pandora_agent.

To install, copy ipmi_sensorsĀ  to the util subdirectory of the pandora_agent_install
directory. Copy the freeipmi directory to the pandora_agent_install directory.

Then add it to the configuration file, usually pandora_agent.conf in the pandora_agent_install

module_plugin /h:<hostname> /u:<username> /p:<password>

Replace hostname, username and password with appropriate values.

If you wish the modules to be in a module group add "/g group". For example:

module_plugin /h:myipmihost /u:myusername /p:mypassword /g:"IPMI Sensors"

Note: The module group must be created in PandoraFMS in advance.