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Manual execution

The plugin can be run manually by terminal to check its correct configuration before its subsequent installation in PandoraFMS. This has two parameters, -c or --conf (you can use whichever you prefer) to call the configuration conf file.

For correct configuration of the configuration file, carefully review the previous chapter of this manual called "Parameters". All possible configuration options are detailed in it.

Normal execution

./pandora_xenserver -c <path file conf>

An example output would be the following:

<name><![CDDATA[XenServer Plugin]]></name>
<description><!CDDATA[Result of XenServer Plugin execution]]></description>

As discovery plugin:


./pandora_xenserver -c <ruta al archivo conf de configuración> --as_discovery_plugin 1

An example output would be the following:

[{"summary":{"Hosts":1,"Storage":7, "VMs":23,"Hosts VMs running":10,"Hosts VMs installed":95}}]