Plugin to monitor Wildfly (Jboss) and visualize the data in PandoraFMS.
The purpose of this plugin is to be able to monitor Jboss/Wildfly, based on metrics related to it...
Compatibility matrix
Systems where it works Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Systems where it works Any linux syste...
Pre requisites
Connectivity to the environment from which the data is to be received is required.
Connectivity parameters -i, --host IP address -u, --user User -p, --password ...
Manual execution
The plugin execution format is as follows: ./pandora_jboss --host < host > --user < user > --pa...
Configuration in PandoraFMS
To configure the plugin in PandoraFMS, the following steps must be followed: 1. Upload the plugi...
Agent and modules generated by the plugin
The plugin will create a global agent with the following modules: <Module prefix>.Data...