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Plugin execution and parameters

The plugin needs execution permissions to be launched:

chmod +x pandora_mist

The execution and the parameters of the plugin are:

./pandora_mist -t <token> -o <org_id> [ -g <group> ] [ -p <prefix> ] [ --data_dir <data_dir> ]

Parameter Description
-h Shows plugin help screen
-t <token>, --token <token> Mandatory. Mist API token
-o <org_id>, --org <org_id> Mandatory. Mist organization ID from which to extract the information of the zones

-g <group>, --group <group>

Group where agents created will belong. Default: Mist
-p <prefix>, --prefix <prefix> Prefix in the created agent names. Default: Mist
--data_dir <data_dir> Pandora FMS data directory. Default: /var/spool/pandora/data_in

If the execution was successful we should see '1' data when running the plugin.