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Meraki connection parameters

--url API connection url, example : . Default:
--token Token bearer required for authentication
--id Store ID, which will identify if the group exists in Pandora and will create the agent in it, and if the network exists in Meraki.
--organization ID of the organization in which the networks will be scanned.
--timespan Monitoring interval for switch port statistics.

Parámetros configuración Pandora

Prefix for all agents created by the plugin
--module_prefix Prefix for all modules created by the plugin
--location Secondary groups added to the agent
--interval Agent monitoring interval
--temporal PandoraFMS temporary directory
PandoraFMS Data Directory
--group Agent group.
Data transfer mode, local or tentacle
Tentacle client path, by default “tentacle_client”.
Additional tentacle options
Tentacle Port
tentacle IP

Parámetros Extra

--scan_appliance Disable scanning of appliance devices with 0. Default enabled to 1.
--scan_switch Disable scanning of switch devices with 0. By default set to 1.
--scan_wireless Disable scanning of wireless devices with 0. Default enabled to 1.
--log_file Path where the log file will be saved, for example :