Configuration in PandoraFMS
To configure the plugin in PandoraFMS, the following steps must be followed:
1. Upload the plugin to PandoraFMS, for example in the following path:
2. Go to the plugins section and create a new one:
3. Name, description and timeout are added:
4. The path of the plugin is added to the command and the necessary parameters for its execution.
For each parameter a macro must be configured, being the syntax of this macro the following : _fieldx_, being x the positional number of the parameter, for example in the following image we see the parameters that are mandatory, --id, --url, --token, --agent_prefix, --localization and --tentacle_address since all the others can be used with the default values.
5. The above macros are configured, adding in each one the value of the parameter:
6. Once configured, you should create a module in an agent that executes the plugin. In the modules menu of an agent we create a new plugin type module:
7. In the module configuration menu, we name it, select the plugin configured before and click on “create”.
8. The agents will be created in the next execution of the plugin: