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Manual execution

The plugin execution format is as follows:

./pandora_meraki --id < id > --url < url > --token < token > --location < location > --organization < organization > --timespan < interval switch port data monitoring in seconds >
--module_prefix < module prefix > --agent_prefix < agent prefix >
[ --scan_appliance < 1 or 0 > ] [ --scan_switch < 1 or 0 > ] [ --scan_wireless < 1 or 0 > ]
[ --transfer_mode < local o tentacle > ] [ --tentacle_port < tentacle_port > ] [ --tentacle_address < tentacle_address > ] [ --tentacle_client < tentacle client path ] [ --tentacle_opts < tentacle extra options ]
[ --data_dir < data dir > ] [ --group < group > ] [ --temporal < temporary directory path > ] [ --interval < interval agent monitorings in seconds > ] [--log_file < log file >]