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  4. I don’t see logs in the log viewer, how do I check the synchronization with Elasticsearch?

I don’t see logs in the log viewer, how do I check the synchronization with Elasticsearch?

In case we do not see the logs in the Pandora FMS console we can perform the following checks:

  • Elasticsearch service status:
[root@elastic ~]# systemctl status elasticsearch
  • Check connection with elastic server from Pandora FMS server:
[root@pandora ~]# curl -q http://{IP}:9200/
  • Check the server configuration file and that the syslogserver token is set to 1:
[root@pandora ~]# cat /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf | grep syslogserver
  • Check the size of the indexes and in case of having a high size delete some of them for a faster processing of logs by Pandora FMS:
[root@pandora ~]# curl -q http://<elastic>:9200/_cat/indices?
[root@pandora ~]# curl -q -XDELETE http://<elastic>:9200/{index-name}
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